Setting up Mac OS X (NOTE: ONLY REALLY USEFUL FOR 10.4 TIGER OR BEFORE. Leopard version is here)  [HOME][CV][PUBS][MAC]
Mac OS X is a powerful operating system but it can take some time to set it up to your liking. This page is intended to help new inductees quickly set up their Macs to do science, and help the rest of us remember exactly what we did to set ours up.

This page was specifically directed at members of Robert Brunner's research group at the Astronomy Department of the University of Illinois, but I've retained a specific link at the University of Wyoming for anyone who might have found it useful.

Notes and disclaimers: Firstly, if the most recent releases of any of the software I discuss should taint the setup of your Mac in some way, don't blame me - it's either their fault or your fault; secondly, note that SuperMongo requires the purchase of a license (Illinois Astronomy already has a site-wide license) - you can buy it here; thirdly, I tend to thrash the "sudo" command to death to help people troubleshoot where it's needed (try "sudo -s", to put you in a root shell); finally, this page was accurate at the time of posting (July 19th, 2004) and something (probably something small) was updated on - but I don't intend to make regular updates.


Getting Started Unix Shells Initialisation Files Fink Python, Numerical Python and IRAF Scisoft and SciPy Compilation Incompatibilities saveFP/restFP Errors SuperMongo Pysmongo
TeXShop Desktop Manager Hosting Web Pages CVS/Kerberos Public/Private Key Encryption Backing up Directories Customising arXiv Miscellaneous Software

Getting Started Install the Developer Tools, Developer Kits and X11

The Developer Tools and Developer Kits may already be installed but if you have later problems with compiling and linking, it's probably because some of the Developer Kits (SDKs) weren't installed. The packages to install them are on the install disk (and the correct version 10.3, 10.4 etc. should be installed to match your OS). Alternatively, the packages can usually be found on your hard drive if your mac was shipped: You may have to install Applications/Installers/Xcode Tools/Developer.mpkg and you'll probably have to install the three SDK packages (BSDSDK.pkg, DevSDK.pkg, X11SDK.pkg) in Applications/Installers/Xcode Tools/Packages/ (see a screenshot of where to find Xcode Tools).

Now get X11. If you can't find it in the Applications/Utilities folder of your hard drive, I recommend installing the version at Apple's website. If you couldn't find all three of the SDK packages on your hard drive (BSDSDK, DevSDK, X11SDK), you should also download and install them from Apple. I prefer the version of X11 from Apple (rather than the Fink version - we'll discuss Fink below) as it installs quickly and easily.

Shells An Introduction for Those Uninitiated in the Arcane Ways of Unix

This is an IMPORTANT ASIDE FOR GRAD STUDENTS AND ANYONE WHO ISN'T USED TO USING UNIX. Unix is based on a system based on a system that was based on a system, and, consequently, it's a bit like an onion. Historically, there have been many layers, and different people are comfortable working with a different layer. In UNIX speak, these layers are called SHELLS. A Mac OS X Terminal will open in the bash shell, BUT I USE THE tc-shell and EVERYTHING WRITTEN BELOW WILL ASSUME THIS. Thus, if you're entirely new to UNIX you're now a tc-shell user. Welcome.

To make sure you're ALWAYS IN THE tc-shell you can do several things. You could type "tcsh" every time you open a terminal but this is laborious and you're bound to forget at some point, so I suggest, when you double-click on the X11 icon, to go to Applications on the X11 Toolbar, and under the Customize option create a Name, say, "xterm" that contains the following command (see a screenshot of this):

xterm -e tcsh &

Now, when you run this command from the toolbar, you'll automatically be in the tc-shell rather than bash. If you want a snazzier feel to your xterms create a Name, say, "small xterm" that contains the following command:

xterm -fg white -bg black -sb -sl 500 -geometry 78x24+528-48 -n main -e tcsh &

Try it! Particularly useful is the -sb flag, which creates a scrollbar. The command options, or flags, are described in detail in the manual (type "man xterm" at any prompt).

If you tend to run stuff from the Mac OS Terminal, rather than the x11 application, please don't, as any x-application won't display. If you INSIST on using Terminal, go to Terminal then Preferences on the Terminal Toolbar and click the radio button that states "Execute this command (specify complete path)" and change "/bin/bash" to "/bin/tcsh" (see a screenshot of this). Xapplications still won't display but hey, you wanted to use Terminal.

Initialization Files Start As You Mean To Go On

OK, now you're constantly in the tc-shell when you run X11, you'll need to have a variety of initialisation files in your home directory (i.e. ~/.xinitrc, ~/.tcshrc). There are handy examples on your hard drive at /usr/share/tcsh/examples/, or you can have a look at mine. At the minimum, I recommend making a copy of my .xinitrc file and sourcing the .login, .logout and .tcshrc files in /usr/share/tcsh/examples. By "at the minimum sourcing", I mean creating a file called ".tcshrc" IN YOUR HOME DIRECTORY that contains only the line "source /usr/share/tcsh/examples/rc", creating a second file called ".login" that contains only the line "source /usr/share/tcsh/examples/login" etc. (see /usr/share/tcsh/examples/README). You can "create" these files using a simple editor such as pico (type "pico" in a Terminal or Xterm). Or by typing, e.g:

prompt>echo "source /usr/share/tcsh/examples/rc" >> ~/.tcshrc

at the prompt. (~ is a UNIX abbreviation for your home directory). Once these .files are setup, X11 should work fairly well.

NOTE: DO NOT try to create text files for UNIX using the Macintosh clipboard/notepad/copy-paste function or a Mac-based editor such as Simpletext or *shudder* MSWord as these create files that have rich-text-style Meta-formatting that is gibberish to UNIX.

Fink Fink is a useful way of installing Mac OS X software

The builders of Fink maintain their own excellent documentation. First you should visit the Fink home page to check you know which version you need to install, then you can download it and follow the installation instructions.

I find it very simple to use Fink from the command line, although it currently ships with a GUI called Fink Commander. As an example of using Fink at the command line, once you've installed it, try the following at the prompt of a (new) shell:

prompt> sudo fink list scra
prompt> sudo fink install xscrabble

Now open a new shell and

prompt> xscrabble

Now quit out, 'cos you're at work. Note that you had to type "sudo" to get root privileges (and were probably asked for your user password), which will be a recurring theme below.

Some handy software you might want to use Fink to install:

"g77" - the fortran compiler
"xemacs" or "emacs21" - your favourite text editor
"gimp" - the image manipulation software
"abiword" - looks a lot like Microsoft Word but it's free

Note that these can take a long time to install and it's probably worth setting the Fink installation going overnight, or when you don't need your machine.

NOTE: Once fink is installed you need a line in your .tcshrc file that sources all of the fink setup info, so add a line somewhere in your .tcshrc file (using an editor such as pico) that states "source /sw/bin/init.csh". My example file already contains this line.

Python, Numerical Python and IRAF IRAF, Numerical Python, SLALIB, PGPLOT; Scisoft covers all the bases

Although Mac OS X ships with Python, (as of v10.3) it doesn't ship with Numerical Python. Astronomers will probably also need IRAF at some point, and this can be a pain to install. FORTRAN programmers will probably also want the SLALIB libraries. ESO's Scisoft neatly solves all of these problems and more.

Download the latest version of Scisoft for Mac OS X. The syntactic stress is because one version (I think 2004.1.5) overwrote some key directories on my system! Once it unbundles, it's an easy point-and-double-click install. It should install everything in a directory at the root level called /scisoft, which you may need to source by adding

source /scisoft/bin/Setup.csh

to your ~/.tcshrc file. If you nicked my example .tcshrc file, it's already in there.

You'll find after the installation that (important things like) python and IRAF will now run from the scisoft binary:

prompt> which python
prompt> which xiraf

USEFUL NOTE: Linking. If you have code that requires a link to the (e.g.) SLALIB library, you should compile it something like this:

prompt> g77 test.f -o test.exe -L/scisoft/star/lib/ -lsla -fno-second-underscore

If you get "restFP" or "saveFP" or "symbols undefined" errors, then you probably also need to link to /usr/lib (add a -L/usr/lib flag), where the gcc compiler library is kept. See below for more on this.

NOTE that the latest versions of Scisoft have been installing without SciPy, a useful module for scientific techniques. Instead, I recommend installing the Open Source module Scientific from here. Their install worked first time for me, just read the README that comes in the tar bundle. If you need some more sophisticated scientific functions (e.g. Bessel functions or gamma functions) try the transcendental package, which I found to be an easy install. Of course you could also install SciPy itself but note that SciPy can have problems compiling if Scisoft is installed on your machine (see below).

Scisoft vs SciPy SciPy compilers don't always get along with Scisoft

After many problems trying to install SciPy for Python 2.4 on my Mac, even after specifying version 3.3 of gcc as the compiler and checking I had numarray, fftpack and, in fact, every conceivably necessary package (all of these, for example), I noticed that the compile problems were usually caused by crosstalk between the SciPy install script and Scisoft libraries. After I hid Scisoft everything compiled perfectly. So, if trying to install SciPy, I recommend, at the minimum, unsourcing scisoft in your .tcshrc file (i.e., comment out the command "source /scisoft/bin/Setup.csh") and opening a new xterm in which to build SciPy. If this still doesn't work, hide the /scisoft directory. Failing this, you might have to delete Scisoft (sudo remove the /scisoft directory entirely), install SciPy, then reinstall Scisoft.

I should point out that I usually install Python from the binaries, so maybe people who let Scisoft install Python too won't encounter the problems installing SciPy that I did.

saveFP/restFP Compiling Errors The g77 and gcc compilers have trouble making friends, at least up until Tiger (Mac OS X 10.4)

From time to time, you may find that you get errors when compiling Fortran or C code. This most commonly occurs when compiling mixed C code using the Fortran g77 compiler. Basically, the problem is that when different versions of gcc link to a library, they make slightly different calls, which can then be missed by subsequent compilations that make different default links. The reason this arises with Fortran/C cross-linking is that it is not uncommon to have gcc installed from a developer kit, say in

prompt> which gcc

but to have g77 installed from fink, say in

prompt> which g77

So, when Apple (Darwin) gcc calls g77 which implements Fink's gcc defaults, it finds that certain expected links are not made.

So, how to circumvent this? Well, my version of Tiger has the Darwin gcc libraries installed in /usr/lib/gcc and statically linking to it has always solved restFP/saveFP errors. So, for instance, when compiling with (Fink's) g77, I explicitly link via, e.g.,

prompt> g77 out.o -o executable.exe -L/usr/lib/gcc/powerpc-apple-darwin8/4.0.0/ -lgcc

Presumably this works the opposite way too (i.e., if for some reason you're using Apple's FORTRAN compiler and Fink's C compiler, then try statically linking to libraries in /sw/lib/gcc)

(Perhaps the best discussion of this problem is here)

SuperMongo SM is a handy plotting package but it is not freely available. If you don't have a license (Illinois astronomy does), you can buy it here

Graduate students (etc.) in Robert's group can ask me for SuperMongo and I'll supply them with the tarball. I recommend installing it in /usr/local as this is the default for many other installations.

Assuming the SM tarball is on your Desktop (and that you've already got a directory /usr/local and don't have to make it first), start by unbundling the tarball in a /usr/local/sm directory:

prompt> sudo mkdir /usr/local/sm
prompt> cd /usr/local/sm
prompt> sudo mv ~/Desktop/sm2_4_20* .

If the tarball hasn't already been unbundled by StuffIt Expander, unbundle it.

prompt> sudo tar -zxvf sm2_4_20.tar.gz

A directory with the latest SM version number will be created and we're ready to configure the install.

prompt> cd sm2_4_20
prompt> sudo set_opts

You will now be asked some questions. Just hit "return" for the default in all cases, except when asked what device to use - you should type "X11" and then hit "return". When set_opts has (successfully) exited, edit the src/options.h file as prompted to remove the first seven lines of comments, accepting that you're licensed to use SuperMongo. Now everything should make without a hitch.

prompt> make
prompt> sudo make install

Leopard Update: Cedric Grenon, a grad student at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario points out that on his MacBook Pro running 10.5 (Leopard) he encountered a "/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lX11" error, which he solved by changing the following line in the Makefile (src/Makefile):

substitute XLIB11 = -lX11 for XLIB11 = -L/USR/X11R6/lib -lX11

(First you should mv up to the /src directory, ADM)

You will need a .sm file in your home directory (see my examples). Supermongo will still run without a .sm file but only with certain annoying font and key-mapping problems, so create a .sm file. Unless it's already there, /usr/local/bin will need to be added to your path in your .tcshrc file (see my examples). Now, typing "sm" in a (new) shell should take you to the sm prompt and bring up an X11 interface.

If you've never used SM before there's a tutorial. If you've used it before and still have problems, it's always a good idea to RTFM.

Pysmongo Use SM plotting techniques from within Python

If you've already installed SM and Numerical Python, why not let Python talk to SM?

First download pysmongo-1.0.tar.gz (or whatever version they're currently up to....) Assuming the Pysmongo tarball is on your Desktop (and that you've already got a directory /usr/local and don't have to make it first), start by unbundling the tarball in a /usr/local/pysmongo directory:

prompt> sudo mkdir /usr/local/pysmongo
prompt> cd /usr/local/pysmongo
prompt> sudo mv ~/Desktop/pysmongo* .

If the tarball hasn't already been unbundled by StuffIt Expander, unbundle it.

prompt> sudo gunzip pysmongo-1.0.tar.gz ; sudo tar -xvf pysmongo-1.0.tar

A pysmongo directory with the latest version number will be created and we're ready to configure the install.

prompt> cd pysmongo-1.0
prompt> configure
prompt> make
prompt> sudo make install

If a problem is going to arise at this stage, it will probably be that the Pysmongo MakeFile incorrectly guessed where your Python site-packages folder resided, and made its own version of the Pysmongo class executable in /python/Darwin/python-2.3/site-packages/SM. To (neatly) solve this problem, determine where the site-packages folder that your Python binary reads is by, say, looking for the /lib directory near to you default Python binary, which can be found with:

prompt> which python | awk '{print "ls -al",$1}' | csh

In my case the site-packages folder read by the scisoft python binary is /scisoft/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/Current/lib/python2.3/site-packages. You should ensure that the Pysmongo class executable is in the correct site-packages folder by moving it from the created site-packages folder to your default, i.e.:

prompt> sudo mv /python/Darwin/python-2.3/site-packages/SM /scisoft/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/Current/lib/python2.3/site-packages/

And, if you haven't previously put anything important in a /python folder at the root level!!!!

prompt> sudo \rm -r /python

Now, to test that Pysmongo works (you should still be in /usr/local/pysmongo/pysmongo-1.0, by the way) typing

prompt> python test/

should generate a colour plot in an X11 window. You can now invoke pysmongo in a Python shell (or in Python code) by using the command "import SM". The .py files in /usr/local/pysmongo/pysmongo-1.0/test provide some handy examples for using pysmongo.

IMPORTANT: As of posting, pysmongo appears to miscalculate plotting geometry on our macs, meaning that it's essentially useless. Biggles is a neat alternative. Or there's John Lucey's cunning trick (also available here) for using supermongo in a shell script. You could then work the command line from inside python by importing system from the os module and using the os.system() command.

TeXShop Native TeX for Mac OS X

The best version of TeX that we've come across for Mac OS X is TeXShop. It's quite a complicated installation but it's very well documented. One splendid feature of TeXShop is the ease with which you can typeset a document in real time as you code it. I think it installed first time on my Mac (and it should, 'cos it's written in Cocoa) but if anyone in the group has installation problems, mail me and we'll make a note here.

Being native to Mac OS X TeXShop always uses pdf rather than postscript. You can still include encapsulated postscript figures, though, if you add to or modify the documentstyle command to resemble


Or, if you don't have a documentstyle command Adam Rengstorf suggests this alternative


The {mn} and {aastex} commands here are, of course, examples of style files used by two popular astronomy journals.

Desktop Manager Split your screen into multiple desktops

Currently (v10.3), Mac OS X doesn't ship with a straightforward way of splitting your screen across multiple desktops. Fortunately, Desktop Manager provides for this quite superbly.

Once you download Desktop Manager it's easy to install and use - if it doesn't automatically install, pointing-and-clicking will do it.

Click the Desktop Manager icon to start. You can modify options by either clicking the menu icon in the status bar or the blue haze beneath the pager.

Hosting Web Pages Publish documents on the WWW

To turn on Apache on your Mac, click on the Apple icon and then "System Preferences" and select "Sharing" under "Internet and Network". Now click the box marked "Personal Web Sharing". Your Mac will inform you of two possible websites; the computer website and your personal website.

To publish a user home page hosted on your Mac, modify the index.html file in ~/Sites. To publish a home page at your Mac's website, modify the index.html file in /Library/WebServer/Documents. If you're comfortable with your knowledge of web security, you could also publish CGI scripts in /Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables.

CVS/Kerberos Kerberos and the LCDM common user repository

Robert has written a pdf document on how members of the Laboratory for Cosmological Data Mining can use CVS to back up files to the LCDM common user space. This is particularly useful for keeping track of pieces of software that one of us has written but that we all might want to use and for keeping tabs on which version of a piece of software we've written works.....

NOTE that the first section of Robert's document also contains a useful tutorial concerning setting up the network authentication protocol Kerberos on Mac OS X. Basically, Kerberos is a protocol to create authentication tickets that enable you to securely move between networked machines. I've put the protocol file that worked for me in my examples.

To extend Robert's instructions on setting up the CVSROOT environment variable: If your ncsa username differs to that on your local machine, you could set CVSROOT in the following manner (this, of course, is the c-shell example - Robert tends to give bash shell examples):

prompt> setenv CVSROOT ""

NOTE that before setting up CVS, you will need to mail the ncsa helpdesk and ask for access to the CVS repository.

Public/Private Key Encryption Access remote accounts without typing a password

Adam Rengstorf supplied me with a way of setting up public/private key encryption so that you can access a remote machine without having to type your password. First you need to generate an access key....type

prompt> ssh-keygen -t dsa

and accept the default directory for storing the key. Enter an empty pass-phrase, too. Note that typing "sudo" before "ssh-keygen" will generate a pass-key for root.

Now, ftp into the remote machine and transfer the file generated by keygen ("" - keygen will echo which directory it stored the file in) to your (remote) home directory.

Finally, log into the remote machine that you want free access to and append the information in the key-file to your .ssh/authorized_keys file (or create it if it doesn't exist)

REMOTE MACHINE prompt> cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys

Now, to see if it works, open a window on your machine and ssh to the remote machine

prompt> ssh remoteusername@remotemachinename

Access should now be granted without inputting a password. Of course, if "remoteusername" is the same as your username on your machine, there's no need to enter it. If you typed "sudo" before "ssh-keygen", then it's root whom has free access and you will have to type

prompt> sudo ssh remoteusername@remotemachinename

unless, of course, you're powerful enough that you could store the key in root's home directory on the remote machine.

Backing Up Directories Using rsync to copy files between machines

Adam Rengstorf has written a script that uses rsync to mirror a directory on a remote machine. This is very useful for backing up directories in the absence of a RAID disk.

First you'll need to use Fink to install rsync in /sw/bin/

prompt> sudo fink install rsync

and you'll have to set up a key encryption so that root can access the remote machine (the machine that you wish to back up you home directory to) as you, without needing to enter a password.

Now, obtain both of Adam Rengstorf's example files from this directory. You can put these directories anywhere on your local machine but I'll assume for ease of expression that they're in /Users/myusername/cronscripts. The file excludefile should contain a list of any directories you don't feel you need to back up (i.e. trash, internet caches etc.). You need to change the 6 customisable parameters in the file so that they reflect the local directories you wish to have backed up and the remote machine and directories you want to back up to (there are guiding comments in the file itself). Note that the remote directory that you wish to back up to must exist on the machine you wish to back up to - does not, as provided, make this directory for you.

You'll have to change the permissions of so that the script is executable

prompt> chmod +x /Users/myusername/cronscripts/backup_user.csh

and it's worth (at least briefly) testing that it runs faultlessly with the parameters you have customised

prompt> /Users/myusername/cronscripts/backup_user.csh

and that you've set up the key encryption for root correctly. Now, edit your crontab as root

prompt> sudo pico /etc/crontab

and add something like

00 3 * * * root /Users/myusername/cronscripts/

To regularly run the backup script as root (in this case every morning at 3am). Now check the logfile tomorrow morning and see if it worked!

Customising arXiv Why waste time trawling new arXiv listings that don't interest you?

NOTE: I updated to version 1.03 on April 30th, 2008 to reflect a change in arXiv's primary url for astrophysics abstracts. If you have an earlier version you may want to grab the newer version.

Obviously, we don't always have time to read every entry on arXiv. Further, it's a known effect that being listed higher on arXiv increases your exposure, hence biasing citation rates. I've written a handy little Python script that will grab the new arXiv listings page, select only those abstracts that interest you, and open a browser window to display the results (kind of an Arxivsorter that you can control yourself). It should be reasonably functional on any platform that runs Python but has certain features that are geared specifically to Mac OS X. It runs from the command line. You can get it here (on Mac OS X; place your cursor over, the most recent version, hold down the alt/option key and click the mouse-button once).

By the way, if you found this code useful, consider linking to my website as a courtesy, rather than just passing the source code around.

If you downloaded it to the desktop, you can check it works by double-clicking the icon, then double-clicking the generated applescript bundle. It should return today's arXiv new listings with the default search parameters. The easiest way to run with customised parameters is to run it under UNIX (from the Terminal or an Xterm). So put it in a directory that's in your path (such as '/usr/local' or '.'). Here are some of the most common example uses:

prompt>python -help
Print a help message and usage options

prompt>python QSO supernova -v star
A basic search that will reject all occurences of star and then return today's arXiv abstracts that contain QSO or supernova

prompt>python QSO supernova -v star -ho
The same search with -ho, the highlight option, flagged. This will return arXiv with all occurences of star highlighted in red, all occurences of QSO or supernova highlighted in green and the abstracts ordered so that matches with QSO and supernova are at the top of the returned page and matches with star are at the bottom of the returned page

prompt>python cluster group quasar QSO lens supernova ' AGN' correl -v star magnet globular branch
As a cosmologist interested in lensing, this is my typical search. The quote marks around AGN force a space before the word, meaning that words like 'mAGNitude' will not be searched for. Alternatively, the -cs flag could be used to make the search case-sensitive.

If you want your typical arXiv new listings to pop up daily without prompting, why not set up a cron job? To do this on Mac OS X, assuming is in a directory that is in your pythonpath (if you don't know how to set the pythonpath environment variable, look in my example .tcshrc file), create a simple script that contains your default search in, say, the (existing?) directory ~/cronscripts

prompt> echo "python cluster group quasar QSO lens supernova ' AGN' correl -v star magnet globular branch" >! ~/cronscripts/astroph.csh
prompt> chmod +x ~/cronscripts/astroph.csh

Now edit your /etc/crontab file (you have to be logged in as root to write to the crontab file)

prompt> sudo pico /etc/crontab

and add something like

00 6 * * 1-5 myuserame python /Users/myusername/cronscripts/astroph.csh

To regularly run the astroph.csh script as myusername (in this case every weekday morning at 6am). Now, each weekday morning, your edited arXiv new listings page should be displayed.

Note that it is inadvisable to run as root as it will write to directories as root rather than as myusername and subsequently running it as myusername will fail to overwrite these directories. From the command line, will halt with a warning message if you run it as root. You can force it to run as root by adding a -root flag, if this is what you really intend to do.

Some Miscellaneous Other Software And who in Robert's Group to Contact for More Help Should You Want the Software and Have Problems Finding or Installing it

Adobe Reader copes with sideways pages, unlike Preview - see Nick Ball
Mozilla Firefox browser - see Nick Ball
Emacs Python mode can be set up for writing Python code - see Nick Ball
Fugu FTP GUI - see Nick Ball
Partiview 3D visualization - see Nick Ball
Office 2000 (for e.g. Powerpoint; note that we have the most recent version of MS Office for Mac, which you should be able to get off Robert) - see Nick Ball
OSX VNC and Chicken of the VNC Virtual Network Computing for working from home - see Nick Ball
NASA's myADS webpage will do similar things to customizing arXiv, but only returns articles once they are published in a journal or updated in the SLAC database. After setting up search terms you will be regularly emailed new publications - see Nick Ball
IDL coding language and library - see Nick Ball
D2K NCSA Automated Learning Group's Data-to-Knowledge toolkit - see Nick Ball
Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Wyoming, 
1000 E. University, Dept. 3905, 
Laramie, WY 82071, USA
    Page maintained (and updated)