Adam D. Myers's Publications  
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Refereed Papers and Chapters (conference proceedings and non-refereed white papers are here)

278. Zhou R., Guy J., Koposov S.E., Schlafly E.F., Schlegel D., et al.
Stellar reddening map from DESI imaging and spectroscopy
Submitted to OJAp

277. Karim T., Singh S., Rezaie M., Eisenstein D., Hadzhiyska B., Speagle J.S., et al.
Measuring σ8 using DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys Emission-Line Galaxies and Planck CMB Lensing, and the Impact of Dust on Parameter Inference
Submitted to JCAP

276. Said K., Howlett C., Davis T., Lucey J., Saulder C., Douglass K., Kim A.G., Kremin A., Ross C., Aldering G., et al.
DESI Peculiar Velocity Survey - Fundamental Plane
Submitted to MNRAS

275. Scholte D., Saintonge A., Moustakas J., Catinella B., Zou H., Dey B., et al.
The atomic gas sequence and mass-metallicity relation from dwarfs to massive galaxies
Submitted to MNRAS

274. Davison W., Parkinson D., BenZvi S., Palmese A., et al.
STag II: Classification of Serendipitous Supernovae Observed by Galaxy Redshift Surveys
Submitted to JCAP

273. Pérez-Fernández A., Medina-Varela L., Ruggeri R., Vargas-Magaña M., Seo H., Padmanabhan N., Ishak M., et al.
Fiducial-Cosmology-dependent systematics for the DESI 2024 BAO Analysis
Submitted to JCAP

272. Pinon M., de Mattia A., McDonald P., Burtin E., Ruhlmann-Kleider V., White M., Bianchi D., Ross A.J., et al.
Mitigation of DESI fiber assignment incompleteness effect on two-point clustering with small angular scale truncated estimators
Submitted to JCAP

271. Townsend A., Nordin J., Sagués Carracedo A., Kowalski M., Arendse N., Dhawan S., Goobar A., Johansson J., Mörtsell E., Schulze S., et al.
Candidate strongly-lensed Type Ia supernovae in the Zwicky Transient Facility archive
Submitted to A&A

270. Krolewski A., Yu J., Ross A.J., Penmetsa S., Percival W.J., Zhou R., Hou J., et al.
Impact and mitigation of spectroscopic systematics on DESI DR1 clustering measurements
Submitted to JCAP

269. Yu J., Ross A.J., Rocher A., Alves O., de Mattia A., Forero-Sánchez D., Kneib J.-P., Krolewski A., Lan T.-W., Rashkovetskyi M., et al.
ELG Spectroscopic Systematics Analysis of the DESI Data Release 1
Submitted to JCAP

268. Ross A.J., et al.
The Construction of Large-scale Structure Catalogs for the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument
Submitted to JCAP

267. Kong H., Ross A.J., Honscheid K., Lang D., Porredon A., de Mattia A., Rezaie M., Zhou R., Schlafly E., Moustakas J., Rosado-Marin A., et al.
Forward modeling fluctuations in the DESI LRGs target sample using image simulations
Submitted to JCAP

266. Chang Y.-L., Lan T.-W., Prochaska J.X., Napolitano L., Anand A., et al.
Probing the impact of radio-mode feedback on the properties of the cool circumgalactic medium
Submitted to AAS Journals

265. Turner W., Martini P., Göksel Karaçayli N., et al.
New measurements of the Lyman-α forest continuum and effective optical depth with LyCAN and DESI Y1 data
Submitted to ApJ

264. Soumagnac M.T., Nugent P., Knop R.A., Ho A.Y.Q., Hohensee W., Awbrey A., Andersen A., Aldering G., Ventura M., et al.
The MOST Hosts Survey: spectroscopic observation of the host galaxies of ~40,000 transients using DESI
Submitted to ApJS

263. Maus M., Chen S., White M., et al.
An analysis of parameter compression and full-modeling techniques with Velocileptors for DESI 2024 and beyond
Submitted to JCAP

262. Andrade U., Mena-Fernández J., Awan H., Ross A.J., Brieden S., Pan J., de Mattia A., et al.
Validating the Galaxy and Quasar Catalog-Level Blinding Scheme for the DESI 2024 analysis
Submitted to JCAP

261. Noriega H.E., Aviles A., Gil-Marín H., Ramirez-Solano S., Fromenteau S., Vargas-Magaña M., et al.
Comparing Compressed and Full-modeling Analyses with FOLPS: Implications for DESI 2024 and beyond
Submitted to JCAP

260. Ramirez-Solano S., Icaza-Lizaola M., Noriega H.E., Vargas-Magaña M., Fromenteau S., Aviles A., Rodriguez-Martinez F., et al.
Full Modeling and Parameter Compression Methods in configuration space for DESI 2024 and beyond
Submitted to JCAP

259. Juneau S., Canning R., Alexander D.M., Pucha R., Fawcett V.A., Myers A.D., Moustakas J., Ruiz-Macias O., Cole S., Pan Z., et al.
Identifying Quasars from the DESI Bright Galaxy Survey
Submitted to AAS Journals
Grant Acknowledgments: DOE award DE-SC0019022

258. Ding Z., Variu A., Alam S., Yu Y., Chuang C., Paillas E., Garcia-Quintero C., Chen X., Mena-Fernández J., et al.
Suppressing the sample variance of DESI-like galaxy clustering with fast simulations
Submitted to JCAP

257. Garcia-Quintero C., Mena-Fernández J., Rocher A., Yuan S., Hadzhiyska B., Alves O., Rashkovetskyi M., Seo H., Padmanabhan N., Nadathur S., et al.
HOD-Dependent Systematics in Emission Line Galaxies for the DESI 2024 BAO analysis
Submitted to JCAP

256. Mena-Fernández J., Garcia-Quintero C., Yuan S., Hadzhiyska B., Alves O., Rashkovetskyi M., Seo H., Padmanabhan N., Nadathur S., Howlett C., et al.
HOD-Dependent Systematics for Luminous Red Galaxies in the DESI 2024 BAO Analysis
Submitted to JCAP

255. Rashkovetskyi M., Forero-Sánchez D., de Mattia A., Eisenstein D.J., Padmanabhan N., Seo H., Ross A.J., et al.
Semi-analytical covariance matrices for two-point correlation function for DESI 2024 data
Submitted to JCAP

254. Lasker J., Carnero Rosell A., Myers A.D., Ross A.J., Bianchi D., Hanif M.M.S, Kehoe R., de Mattia A., Napolitano L., Percival W.J., et al.
Production of Alternate Realizations of DESI Fiber Assignment for Unbiased Clustering Measurement in Data and Simulations
Submitted to JCAP
Grant Acknowledgments: DOE award DE-SC0019022

253. Paillas E., Ding Z., Chen X., Seo H., Padmanabhan N., de Mattia A., Ross A.J., Nadathur S., Howlett C., et al.
Optimal Reconstruction of Baryon Acoustic Oscillations for DESI 2024
Submitted to JCAP

252. Cuceu A., Herrera-Alcantar H.K., Gordon C., Martini P., Guy J., Font-Ribera A., Gonzalez-Morales A.X., Karim M.A., et al.
Validation of the DESI 2024 Lyα forest BAO analysis using synthetic datasets
Submitted to JCAP

251. Guy J., Gontcho A Gontcho S., Armengaud E., Brodzeller A., Cuceu A., Font-Ribera A., Herrera-Alcantar H.K., Karaçayli N.G., Muñoz-Gutiérrez A., Pieri M., et al.
Characterization of contaminants in the Lyman-alpha forest auto-correlation with DESI
Submitted to JCAP

250. DESI Collaboration, et al.
DESI 2024 VI: Cosmological Constraints from the Measurements of Baryon Acoustic Oscillations
Submitted to JCAP

249. DESI Collaboration, et al.
DESI 2024 IV: Baryon Acoustic Oscillations from the Lyman Alpha Forest
Submitted to JCAP

248. DESI Collaboration, et al.
DESI 2024 III: Baryon Acoustic Oscillations from Galaxies and Quasars
Submitted to JCAP

247. Brown Z., Demina R., Adame A.G., Avila S., Chaussidon E., Yuan S., Gonzalez-Perez V., Garcia-Bellido J., et al.
Constraining primordial non-Gaussianity from the large scale structure two-point and three-point correlation functions
Submitted to AAS Journals

246. Saxena A., Salvato M., Roster W., Shirley R., Buchner J., Wolf J., Kohl C., Starck H., Dwelly T., Comparat J., et al.
CircleZ: Reliable Photometric redshifts for AGN computed using only photometry from Legacy Survey Imaging for DESI
Accepted to A&A

245. Storfer C., Huang X., Gu A., Sheu W., Banka S., et al.
New Strong Gravitational Lenses from the DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys Data Release 9
2024, ApJS, 274, 16

244. Karaçayli N.G., Martini P., Weinberg D.H., Ferraro S., de Belsunce R., et al.
CMB lensing and Lyα forest cross bispectrum from DESI's first-year quasar sample
2024, Phys. Rev. D, 110, 063505

243. White M., Raichoor A., Dey A., Garrison L.H., Gawiser E., Lang D., Lee K., Myers A.D., Schlegel D., Valdes F., et al.
The clustering of Lyman Alpha Emitting galaxies at z=2-3
2024, JCAP, 8, 020
Grant Acknowledgments: DOE award DE-SC0019022

242. Rezaie M., Ross A.J., Seo H.-J., Kong H., Porredon A., Samushia L., Chaussidon E., Krolewski A., de Mattia A., Beutler F., et al.
Local primordial non-Gaussianity from the large-scale clustering of photometric DESI luminous red galaxies
2024, MNRAS, 532, 1902

241. DESI collaboration, et al.
The Early Data Release of the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument
2024, AJ, 168, 58

240. Lange J.U., Blake C., Saulder C., Jeffrey N., DeRose J., et al.
Systematic Effects in Galaxy-Galaxy Lensing with DESI
2024, OJAp, 7, 57

239. Schlafly E.F., Schlegel D., BenZvi S., Raichoor A., Forero-Romero J.E., et al.
Measuring Fiber Positioning Accuracy and Throughput with Fiber Dithering for the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument
2024, AJ, 168, 35

238. Jiang L., Pan Z., et al.
Constraints on the spacetime variation of the fine-structure constant using DESI emission-line galaxies
2024, ApJ, 968, 120

237. Ahmed H., Shemmer O., Matthews B., Dix C., Ha T., Richards G.T., Brotherton M.S., Myers A.D., et al.
Gemini Near Infrared Spectrograph - Distant Quasar Survey: Rest-Frame Ultraviolet-Optical Spectral Properties of Broad Absorption Line Quasars
2024, ApJ, 968, 77

236. Khederlarian A., Newman J.A., Andrews B.H., Dey B., Moustakas J., Hearin A., Juneau S., Tortorelli L., Gruen D., Hahn C., et al.
Emission Line Predictions for Mock Galaxy Catalogues: a New Differentiable and Empirical Mapping from DESI
2024, MNRAS, 531, 1454

235. DESI collaboration, et al.
Validation of the Scientific Program for the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument
2024, AJ, 167, 62

234. Jones A.M., Beaton R.L., Cherinka B.A., Masters K.L., Lucatello S., Diamond-Stanic A.M., et al.
SDSS-IV from 2014 to 2016: A Detailed Demographic Comparison over Three Years
2023, PASP, 135, 1054

233. Schlafly E.F., Kirkby D., Schlegel D.J., Myers A.D., Raichoor A., Dawson K., et al.
Survey Operations for the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument
2023, AJ, 166, 259
Grant Acknowledgments: DOE award DE-SC0019022

232. Zhou R., Ferraro S., White M., DeRose J., Sailer N., et al.
DESI luminous red galaxy samples for cross-correlations
2023, JCAP, 11, 097

231. Fawcett V.A., Alexander D.M., Brodzeller A., Edge A.C, Rosario D.J., Myers A.D., et al.
A striking relationship between dust extinction and radio detection in DESI QSOs: evidence for a dusty blow-out phase in red QSOs
2023, MNRAS, 525, 5575
Grant Acknowledgments: DOE award DE-SC0019022

230. Moon J., Valcin D., Rashkovetskyi M., Saulder C., et al.
First Detection of the BAO Signal from Early DESI Data
2023, MNRAS, 525, 5406

229. Yang J., Fan X., Gupta A., Myers A., Palanque-Delabrouille N., Wang F., Yèche C., et al.
DESI z >~ 5 Quasar Survey. I. A First Sample of 400 New Quasars at z ~ 4.7-6.6
2023, ApJS, 269, 27
Grant Acknowledgments: DOE award DE-SC0019022

228. Moustakas J., Lang D., Dey A., Juneau S., Meisner A., Myers A.D., Schlafly E.F., Schlegel D.J., Valdes F., Weaver B.A. & Zhou R.
Siena Galaxy Atlas 2020
2023, ApJS, 269, 3
Grant Acknowledgments: DOE award DE-SC0019022

227. Saulder C., Howlett C., Douglass K.A., Said K., BenZvi S., et al.
Target Selection for the DESI Peculiar Velocity Survey
2023, MNRAS, 525, 1106

226. Darragh-Ford E., Wu J.F., Mao Y.-Y., Wechsler R.H., Geha M., Forero-Romero J.E., Hahn C., Kallivayalil N., Moustakas J., Nadler E.O., et al.
Target Selection and Sample Characterization for the DESI LOW-Z Secondary Target Program
2023, ApJ, 954, 149

225. Napolitano L., Pandey A., Myers A.D., Lan, T.-W., et al.
Detecting and Characterizing Mg II absorption in DESI Survey Validation Quasar Spectra
2023, AJ, 166, 99
Grant Acknowledgments: DOE award DE-SC0019022

224. Ha T., Dix C., Matthews B.M., Shemmer O., Brotherton M.S., Myers A., Richards G.T., Maithil J., et al.
Shedding New Light on Weak Emission-Line Quasars in the CIV-Hβ Parameter Space
2023, ApJ, 950, 97

223. Dix C., Matthews B.M., Shemmer O., Brotherton M.S., Myers A.D., et al.
Gemini Near Infrared Spectrograph - Distant Quasar Survey: Prescriptions for Calibrating UV-Based Estimates of Supermassive Black Hole Masses in High-Redshift Quasars
2023, ApJ, 950, 96

222. Matthews B.M., Dix C., Shemmer O., Brotherton M.S., Myers A.D., et al.
Gemini Near Infrared Spectrograph - Distant Quasar Survey: Augmented Spectroscopic Catalog and a Prescription for Correcting UV-Based Quasar Redshifts
2023, ApJ, 950, 95

221. Hahn C., Wilson M.J., Ruiz-Macias O., Cole S., Weinberg D., Moustakas J., Kremin A., Tinker J.L., Smith A., et al.
DESI Bright Galaxy Survey: Final Target Selection, Design, and Validation
2023, AJ, 165, 253

220. Cooper A.P., Koposov S.E., Allende Prieto C., Manser C.J., Kizhuprakkat N., Myers A.D., Dey A., Gänsicke B.T., Li T.S., Rockosi C., et al.
Overview of the DESI Milky Way Survey
2023, ApJ, 947, 37

219. Guy J., Bailey S., Kremin A., et al.
The Spectroscopic Data Processing Pipeline for the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument
2023, AJ, 165, 144

218. Petter G.C., Hickox R.C., Alexander D.M., Myers A.D., Geach J.E., Whalen K.E. & Andonie C.P.
Host Dark Matter Halos of WISE-selected Obscured & Unobscured Quasars: Evidence for Evolution
2023, ApJ, 946, 27

217. Gross A.C., Fu H., Myers A.D., Djorgovski S.G., Steffen J.L. & Wrobel J.M.
Testing the Radio-Selection Method of Dual Active Galactic Nuclei in the Stripe 82 Field
2023, ApJ, 945, 73

216. Raichoor A., Moustakas J., Newman J.A., Karim T., et al.
Target Selection and Validation of DESI Emission Line Galaxies
2023, AJ, 165, 126

215. Alexander D.M., Davis T.M., Chaussidon E., Fawcett V.A., Gonzalez-Morales A.X., Lan T.-W., Yèche C., et al.
The DESI Survey Validation: Results from Visual Inspection of the Quasar Survey Spectra
2023, AJ, 165, 124
Grant Acknowledgments: DOE award DE-SC0019022

214. Martinez-Delgado D., Cooper A.P., Roman J., Pillepich A., Erkal D., Pearson S., Moustakas J., Laporte C.F.P., Laine S., Akhlaghi M., et al.
Hidden Depths in the Local Universe: the Stellar Stream Legacy Survey
2023, A&A, 671, 141

213. Chaussidon E., Yèche C., Palanque-Delabrouille N., Alexander D.M., Yang J., et al.
Target Selection and Validation of DESI Quasars
2023, ApJ, 944, 107

212. Dey A., Najita J.R, Koposov S.E., Josephy-Zack J., Maxemin G., Bell E.F., Poppett C., Patel E., Beraldo E. Silva L., Raichoor A., et al.
DESI Observations of the Andromeda Galaxy: Revealing the Immigration History of our Nearest Neighbor
2023, ApJ, 944, 1

211. Zhou R., Dey B., Newman J.A., Eisenstein D.J., Dawson K., Bailey S., Berti A., Guy J., Lan T.-W., Zou H., et al.
Target Selection and Validation of DESI Luminous Red Galaxies
2023, AJ, 165, 58

210. Myers A.D., Moustakas J., Bailey S., Weaver B.A., Cooper A.P., Forero-Romero J., et al.
The Target-selection Pipeline for the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument
2023, AJ, 165, 50
Grant Acknowledgments: DOE award DE-SC0019022

209. Lan T.-W., Tojeiro R., Armengaud E., Prochaska J.X., Davis T.M., Alexander D.M., Raichoor A., Zhou R., Yèche C., et al.
The DESI Survey Validation: Results from Visual Inspection of Bright Galaxies, Luminous Red Galaxies, and Emission Line Galaxies
2023, ApJ, 943, 68

208. Schwortz A.C., Hickman B., Burrows Borowczak A.C., Dale D.A. & Myers A.D.
Roles of Technology in the Science Classroom: Meta-Analysis, Example Vignettes, and Guidance for Teacher Practitioners and Educators
2023, in J. Trumble, S. Asim, J. Ellis & D. Slykhuis (Eds.), Theoretical and Practical Teaching Strategies for K-12 Science Education in the Digital Age. (pp. 208-237). IGI Global.

207. Leiendecker H., Jang-Condell H., Turner N. & Myers A.D.
Dust Rings and Cavities in the Protoplanetary Disks around HD 163296 and DoAr 44
2022, ApJ, 941, 172

206. DESI collaboration, et al.
Overview of the Instrumentation for the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument
2022, AJ, 164, 207

205. Maithil J., Brotherton M.S., Shemmer O., Du P., Wang J.-M., Myers A.D., McLane J.N., Dix C. & Matthews B.M.
Systematically smaller single-epoch quasar black hole masses using a radius-luminosity relationship corrected for spectral bias
2022, MNRAS, 515, 491

204. The SDSS-IV collaboration (Abdurro'uf et al.)
The Seventeenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Surveys: Complete Release of MaNGA, MaStar and APOGEE-2 Data
2022, ApJS, 259, 35

203. Petter G.C., Hickox R.C., Alexander D.M., Geach J.E., Myers A.D., Rosario D.J., Fawcett V.A., Klindt L. & Whalen K.E.
Host Dark Matter Halos of SDSS Red and Blue Quasars: No Significant Difference in Large-scale Environment
2022, ApJ, 927, 16

202. Chaussidon E., Yèche C., Palanque-Delabrouille N., de Mattia A., Myers A.D., Rezaie M., Ross A.J., Seo H.-J., et al.
Angular clustering properties of the DESI QSO target selection using DR9 Legacy Imaging Surveys
2022, MNRAS, 509, 3904
Grant Acknowledgments: DOE award DE-SC0019022

201. Merz G., Rezaie M., Seo H.-J., Neveux R., Ross A.J., Beutler F., Percival W.J., Mueller E., Gil-Mari H., Rossi G., et al.
The clustering of the SDSS-IV extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey quasar sample: Testing observational systematics on the Baryon Acoustic Oscillation measurement
2021, MNRAS, 506, 2503

200. The SDSS-IV/eBOSS collaboration (Alam et al.)
Completed SDSS-IV extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: Cosmological Implications from two Decades of Spectroscopic Surveys at the Apache Point Observatory
2021, Phys. Rev. D, 103, 083533

199. Alam S., Ross N.P., Eftekharzadeh S., Peacock J.A., Comparat J., Myers A.D. & Ross A.J.
Quasars at intermediate redshift are not special; but they are often satellites
2021, MNRAS, 504, 857

198. Zarrouk P., Rezaie M., Raichoor A., Ross A.J., et al.
Baryon Acoustic Oscillations in the projected cross-correlation function between the eBOSS DR16 quasars and photometric galaxies from the DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys
2021, MNRAS, 503, 2562

197. Ruiz-Macias O., Zarrouk P., Cole S., Baugh C.M., Norberg P., Lucey J., Dey A., Eisenstein D.J., et al.
Characterizing the target selection pipeline for the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument Bright Galaxy Survey
2021, MNRAS, 502, 4328
Grant Acknowledgments: DOE award DE-SC0019022

196. Huang X., Storfer C., Gu A., Ravi V., Pilon A., Sheu W., Venguswamy R., et al.
Discovering New Strong Gravitational Lenses in the DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys
2021, ApJ, 909, 27

195. Zhou R., Newman J.A., Mao Y.-Y., Meisner A., Moustakas J., Myers A.D., Prakash A., Zentner A.R., Brooks D., Duan Y., Landriau M., Levi M.E., Prada F. & Tarle G.
The Clustering of DESI-like Luminous Red Galaxies Using Photometric Redshifts
2021, MNRAS, 501, 3309
Grant Acknowledgments: DOE award DE-SC0019022

194. Burrows A.C., Borowczak M., Myers A., Schwortz A.C. & McKim C.
Integrated STEM for Teacher Professional Learning and Development: "I Need Time for Practice"
2021, Educ. Sci., 11, 21

193. Matthews B.M., Shemmer O., Dix C., Brotherton M.S., Myers A.D., Andruchow I., Brandt W.N., Ferrero G.A., Gallagher S.C., Green R., et al.
Placing High-Redshift Quasars in Perspective: a Catalog of Spectroscopic Properties from the Gemini Near Infrared Spectrograph - Distant Quasar Survey
2021, ApJS, 252, 15
Grant Acknowledgments: DOE award DE-SC0019022

192. Zhang Y., Pullen A.R., Alam S., Singh S., Burtin E., Chuang C.-H., Hou J., Lyke B.W, Myers A.D., Neveux R., et al.
Testing General Relativity on cosmological scales at redshift z ~ 1.5 with quasar and CMB lensing
2021, MNRAS, 501, 1013
Grant Acknowledgments: DOE award DE-SC0019022

191. Raichoor A., de Mattia A., Ross A.J., Zhao C. & the SDSS-IV/eBOSS collaboration
The completed SDSS-IV extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: Large-scale Structure Catalogues and Measurement of the isotropic BAO between redshift 0.6 and 1.1 for the Emission Line Galaxy Sample
2021, MNRAS, 500, 3254

190. Hou J., Sanchez A.G., Ross A.J., Smith A., Neveux R., Bautista J., Burtin E., Zhao C., Scoccimarro R. & the SDSS-IV/eBOSS collaboration
The Completed SDSS-IV extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: BAO and RSD measurements from anisotropic clustering analysis of the Quasar Sample in configuration space between redshift 0.8 and 2.2
2021, MNRAS, 500, 1201

189. Garcia-Vergara C., Hodge J., Hennawi J.F., Weiss A., Wardlow J., Myers A.D. & Hickox R.C.
The clustering of submillimeter galaxies detected with ALMA
2020, ApJ, 904, 2

188. Masini A., Hickox R.C., Carroll C.M., et al.
The Chandra Deep Wide-Field Survey: A New Chandra Legacy Survey in the Boötes Field I. X-ray Point Source Catalog, Number Counts and Multi-Wavelength Counterparts
2020 ApJS, 251, 2

187. Smith A., Burtin E., Hou J., Neveux R., Ross A.J. & the SDSS-IV/eBOSS collaboration
The Completed SDSS-IV Extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: N-body Mock Challenge for the Quasar Sample
2020, MNRAS, 499, 269

186. Neveux R., Burtin E., de Mattia A., Smith A., Ross A.J., Hou J. & the SDSS-IV/eBOSS collaboration
The Completed SDSS-IV extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: BAO and RSD measurements from the anisotropic power spectrum of the Quasar sample between redshift 0.8 and 2.2
2020, MNRAS, 499, 210

185. du Mas des Bourboux H., Rich J., Font-Ribera A., de Sainte Agathe V., Farr J., Etourneau T., Le Goff J.-M., Cuceu A. & the SDSS-IV/eBOSS collaboration
The Completed SDSS-IV extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: Baryon acoustic oscillations with Lyman-α forests
2020, ApJ, 901, 153

184. Ross A.J., Bautista J., Tojeiro R. & the SDSS-IV/eBOSS collaboration
The Completed SDSS-IV extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: Large-scale Structure Catalogs for Cosmological Analysis
2020, MNRAS, 498, 2354
Grant Acknowledgments: DOE award DE-SC0019022

183. Lyke B.W., Higley A.N., McLane J.N., Schurhammer D.P., Myers A.D., Ross A.J., Dawson K., Chabanier S., Martini P., Busca N.G. & the SDSS-IV/eBOSS collaboration
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Quasar Catalog: Sixteenth Data Release
2020, ApJS, 250, 8
Grant Acknowledgments: DOE award DE-SC0019022

182. Ravoux C., Armengaud E., Walther M., Etourneau T., Pomarede D., Palanque-Delabrouille N., Yèche C., et al.
A tomographic map of the large-scale matter distribution using the eBOSS Stripe 82 Ly-α forest
2020, JCAP, 07, 010

181. Burleigh K.J., Landriau M., Dey A., Lang D., Schlegel D.J., Nugent P.E., Blum R., Findlay J.R., Finkbeiner D.P., Herrera D., et al.
Dynamic Observing and Tiling Strategies for the DESI Legacy Surveys
2020, AJ, 160, 61
Grant Acknowledgments: DOE award DE-SC0019022

180. The SDSS-IV collaboration (Ahumada et al.)
The Sixteenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Surveys: First Release from the APOGEE-2 Southern Survey and Full Release of eBOSS Spectra
2020, ApJS, 249, 3

179. Huang X., Domingo M., Pilon A., Ravi V., Storfer C., Schlegel D.J., et al.
Finding Strong Gravitational Lenses in the DESI DECam Legacy Survey
2020, ApJ, 894, 78

178. Dix C., Shemmer O., Brotherton M.S., Green R.F., Mason M. & Myers A.D.
Prescriptions for Correcting Ultraviolet-Based Redshifts for Luminous Quasars at High Redshift
2020, ApJ, 893, 14
Grant Acknowledgments: DOE contract DE-AC02-05CH1123, award DE-SC0019022

177. Bhowmick A.K., DiMatteo T. & Myers A.D.
Multiplicity functions of quasars: Predictions from the MassiveBlackII simulation
2020, MNRAS, 492, 5620
Grant Acknowledgments: NSF grant 1616168, DOE award DE-SC0019022

176. Bonaca A., Pearson S., Price-Whelan A.M., Dey A., Geha M., Kallivayalil N., Moustakas J., Munoz R., Myers A.D., Schlegel D.J. & Valdes F.
Variations in the width, density, and direction of the Palomar 5 tidal tails
2020, ApJ, 889, 70

175. Whalen K.E., Hickox R.C., DiPompeo M.A., Richards G.T. & Myers A.D.
Physical Models for the Clustering of Obscured and Unobscured Quasars
2020, ApJ, 888, 71
Grant Acknowledgments: NASA ADAP grant NNX16AN48G, NSF grant 1616168

174. Zou H., Zhou X., Fan X., Zhang T., Zhou Z., Peng X., Nie J., Jiang L., McGreer I., et al.
The Third Data Release of the Beijing-Arizona Sky Survey
2019, ApJS, 245, 4
Grant Acknowledgments: DOE contract DE-AC02-05CH1123, award DE-SC0019022

173. Wang F., Yang J., Fan X., Wu X.-B., Yue M., Li J-T., Bian F., Jiang L., Banados E., Schindler J.-T., et al.
Exploring Reionization-Era Quasars III: Discovery of 16 Quasars at 6.4 < z < 6.9 with DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys and UKIRT Hemisphere Survey and Quasar Luminosity Function at z~6.7
2019, ApJ, 884, 30

172. Gross A.C., Fu H., Myers A.D., Wrobel J.M. & Djorgovski S.G.
X-ray Properties of Radio-Selected Dual Active Galactic Nuclei
2019, ApJ, 883, 50
Grant Acknowledgments: NSF grant 1616168

171. Eftekharzadeh S., Myers A.D. & Kourkchi E.
A Halo Occupation Interpretation Of Quasars at z~1.5 Using Very Small Scale Clustering Information
2019, MNRAS, 486, 274
Grant Acknowledgments: NSF grant 1616168, DOE award DE-SC0019022

170. du Mas des Bourboux H., Dawson K.S., Busca N.G., Blomqvist M., de Sainte Agathe V., Balland C., Bautista J.E., Guy J., Kamble V., Myers A.D., et al.
The extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: measuring the cross-correlation between the MgII flux transmission field and quasars and galaxies at z=0.59
2019, ApJ, 878, 47

169. Bhowmick A.K., DiMatteo T., Eftekharzadeh S. & Myers A.D.
On the small scale clustering of quasars: constraints from the MassiveBlack II simulation
2019, MNRAS, 485, 2026
Grant Acknowledgments: NSF grant 1616168, DOE award DE-SC0019022

168. The DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys collaboration; Dey A., Schlegel D.J., Lang D., et al.
Overview of the DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys
2019, AJ, 157, 168

167. Kasper D.H., Cole J.L., Gardner C.N., Garver B.R., Jarka K.L., Kar A., McGough A.M., PeQueen D.J., Rivera D.I., Jang-Condell H., Kobulnicky H.A., Myers A.D. & Dale D.A.
A Transmission Spectrum Of HD 189733b From Multiple Broadband Filter Observations
2019, MNRAS, 483, 3781

166. Geach J.E., Peacock J.A., Myers A.D., Hickox R.C., Burchard M.C., & Jones M.L.
The Halo Mass of Optically Luminous Quasars at z ~ 1-2 Measured via Gravitational Deflection of the Cosmic Microwave Background
2019, ApJ, 874, 85
Grant Acknowledgments: NSF grant 1616168, DOE award DE-SC0019022

165. The SDSS-IV collaboration (Aguado et al.)
The Fifteenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Surveys: First Release of MaNGA Derived Quantities, Data Visualization Tools and Stellar Library
2019, ApJS, 240, 23

164. Zhao G.-B., Wang Y., Saito S., Gil-Marin H., Percival W.J., Wang D., Chuang C.-H., Ruggeri R., Mueller E.-M., Zhu F., et al.
The clustering of the SDSS-IV extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey DR14 quasar sample: a tomographic measurement of cosmic structure growth and expansion rate based on optimal redshift weights
2019, MNRAS, 482, 3497

163. Sameer, Brandt W.N., Anderson S.F., Hall P.B., Vivek M., Filiz Ak N., Grier C.J., Ahmed N.S., Luo B., Myers A.D., Rodriguez Hidalgo P., Ruan J. & Schneider D.P.
X-ray and multi-epoch optical/UV investigations of BAL to non-BAL quasar transformations
2019, MNRAS, 482, 1121

162. Yan W., Hickox R.C., Hainline K.N., Stern D., Lansbury G., Alexander D.M., Hviding R.E., Assef R.J., Ballantyne D.R., DiPompeo M.A., et al.
NuSTAR and Keck Observations of Heavily Obscured Quasars Selected by WISE
2019, ApJ, 870, 33

161. Hou J., Sanchez A.G., Scoccimarro R., Salazar-Albornoz S., Burtin E., Gil-Marin H., Percival W.J., Ruggeri R., Zarrouk P., Zhao G.-B., et al.
The clustering of the SDSS-IV extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey DR14 quasar sample: anisotropic clustering analysis in configuration-space
2018, MNRAS, 480, 2521

160. Zou H., Zhang T., Zhou Z., Peng X., Nie J., Zhou X., Fan X., Jiang L., McGreer I., et al.
The Second Data Release of the Beijing-Arizona Sky Survey
2018, ApJS, 237, 37
Grant Acknowledgments: DOE contract DE-AC02-05CH1123

159. Chakraborty P., Chatterjee S., Dutta A. & Myers A.D.
Mean Occupation Function of High Redshift Quasars from the Planck Cluster Catalog
2018, PASP, 130, 064001
Grant Acknowledgments: NSF grants 1515404 and 1616168, NASA ADAP grant NNX16AN48G, DOE contract DE-AC02-05CH1123

158. Zarrouk P., Burtin E., Gil-Marin H., Ross A.J., Tojeiro R., Paris I., Dawson K.S., Myers A.D., Percival W.J., Chuang C.-H., et al.
The clustering of the SDSS-IV extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey DR14 quasar sample: measurement of the growth rate of structure from the anisotropic correlation function between redshift 0.8 and 2.2
2018, MNRAS, 477, 1639

157. Gil-Marin H., Guy J., Zarrouk P., Burtin E., Chuang C.-H., Percival W.J., Ross A.J., Ruggeri R., Tojeiro R., Zhao G.-B., et al.
The clustering of the SDSS-IV extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey DR14 quasar sample: structure growth rate measurement from the anisotropic quasar power spectrum in the redshift range 0.8 < z < 2.2
2018, MNRAS, 477, 1604

156. Wang D., Zhao G.-B., Wang Y., Percival W.J., Ruggeri R., Zhu F., Tojeiro R., Myers A.D., Chuang C.-H., Baumgarten F., et al.
The clustering of the SDSS-IV extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey DR14 quasar sample: Anisotropic Baryon Acoustic Oscillations measurements in Fourier-space with optimal redshift weights
2018, MNRAS, 477, 1528

155. Mitra K., Chatterjee S., DiPompeo M.A., Myers A.D. & Zheng Z.
The Halo Occupation Distribution of Obscured Quasars: Revisiting the Unification Model
2018, MNRAS, 477, 45
Grant Acknowledgments: NSF grant 1616168, NASA ADAP grant NNX16AN48G

154. Findlay J.R., Prochaska J.X., Hennawi J.F., Fumagalli M., Myers A.D. Bartle S., Chehade B., DiPompeo M.A., Shanks T., Lau M.W. & Rubin K.H.R.
Quasars probing quasars X: The quasar pair spectral database
2018, ApJS, 236, 44
Grant Acknowledgments: NSF grants 1515404 and 1616168, NASA ADAP grant NNX16AN48G, DOE contract DE-AC02-05CH1123

153. Timlin J.D., Ross N.P., Richards G.T., Myers A.D., Pellegrino A., Bauer F.E., Lacy M., Schneider D.P., Wollack E.J. & Zakamska N.L.
The Clustering of High-Redshift (2.9 ≤ z ≤ 5.1) Quasars in SDSS Stripe 82
2018, ApJ, 859, 20
Grant Acknowledgments: NASA ADAP grant NNX16AN48G, NSF grants 1515404 and 1616168

152. Paris I., Petitjean P., Aubourg E., Myers A.D., Streblyanska A., Lyke B.W., et al.
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Quasar Catalog: Fourteenth Data Release
2018, A&A, 613, 51
Grant Acknowledgments: NSF grants 1515404 and 1616168

151. The SDSS-IV collaboration (Abolfathi et al.)
The Fourteenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: First Spectroscopic Data from the extended Baryon Oscillation Sky Survey and from the second phase of the Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment
2018, ApJS, 235, 42

150. The SDSS-IV collaboration (Ata et al.)
The clustering of the SDSS-IV extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey DR14 quasar sample: First measurement of Baryon Acoustic Oscillations between redshift 0.8 and 2.2
2018, MNRAS, 473, 4773
Grant Acknowledgments: NSF grants 1515404 and 1616168

149. MacLeod C.L., Green P.J., Anderson S.F., Eracleous M., Ruan J.J., Runnoe J., Brandt W.N., et al.
The Time-Domain Spectroscopic Survey: Target Selection for Repeat Spectroscopy
2018, AJ, 155, 6

148. The SDSS-IV collaboration (Albareti et al.)
The Thirteenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: First Spectroscopic Data from the SDSS-IV Survey MApping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory
2017, ApJS, 233, 25

147. Hickox R.C., Myers A.D., Greene, J.E., Hainline K.N., Zakamska N.L. & DiPompeo M.A.
Composite Spectral Energy Distributions and Infrared-Optical Colors of Type 1 and Type 2 Quasars
2017, ApJ, 849, 53
Grant Acknowledgments: NASA ADAP grants NNX12AE38G and NNX16AN48G, NSF grants 1211112 and 1515404

146. Laurent P., Eftekharzadeh S., Le Goff J.-M., Myers A.D., Burtin E., White M., Ross A., Tinker J., Tojeiro R., et al.
Clustering of quasars in SDSS-IV eBOSS: study of potential systematics and bias determination
2017, JCAP, 7, 017
Grant Acknowledgments: NSF grants 1515404 and 1616168, NASA ADAP grant NNX16AN48G, DOE contract DE-AC02-05CH1123

145. Blanton M.R., Bershady M.A. & The SDSS-IV collaboration
Sloan Digital Sky Survey IV: Mapping the Milky Way, Nearby Galaxies and the Distant Universe
2017, AJ, 154, 28

144. Mason M., Brotherton M. & Myers A.
Evaluating and Improving the Redshifts of z>2.2 Quasars
2017, MNRAS, 469, 4675
Grant Acknowledgments: NSF grant 1515404

143. DiPompeo M.A., Hickox R.C., Eftekharzadeh S. & Myers A.D.
The characteristic halo masses of half-a-million WISE-selected quasars
2017, MNRAS, 469, 4630
Grant Acknowledgments: NASA ADAP grants NNX12AE38G and NNX16AN48G, NSF grants 1211112 and 1515404

142. Ntelis P., Hamilton J.-C., Guillermo Busca N., Aubourg E., Laurent P., Le Goff J.-M., Rich J., Burtin E., du Mas des Bourboux H., Palanque Delabrouille N., et al.
Exploring cosmic homogeneity with the BOSS DR12 galaxy sample
2017, JCAP, 6, 019

141. Dwelly T., Salvato M., Merloni A., Brusa M., Buchner J. & The SDSS-IV/SPIDERS collaboration
SPIDERS: Selection of spectroscopic targets using AGN candidates detected in all-sky X-ray surveys
2017, MNRAS, 469, 1065

140. Surovell T.A., Toohey J.L., Myers A.D., LaBelle J.M., Ahern J.C.M. & Reisig B.
The end of Archaeological Discovery
2017, American Antiquity, 82 (2), 288

139. Wang F., Fan X., Yang J., Wu X.-B., Yang Q., Bian F., McGreer I.D., Li J-T., Li Z., Ding J., et al.
First Discoveries of z>6 Quasars with the DECam Legacy Survey and UKIRT Hemisphere Survey
2017, ApJ, 839, 27

138. Eftekharzadeh S., Myers A.D., Hennawi J.F., Djorgovski S.G., Richards G.T., Mahabal A.A. & Graham M.J.
Clustering on very small scales from a large sample of confirmed quasar pairs: Does quasar clustering track from Mpc to kpc scales?
2017, MNRAS, 468, 77
Grant Acknowledgments: NSF grant 1515404

137. Delubac T., Raichoor A., Comparat J., Jouvel S., Kneib J.-P., Yèche C., Zou H., Browstein J.R., et al.
The SDSS-IV eBOSS: emission line galaxy catalogues at z=0.8 and study of systematic errors in the angular clustering
2017, MNRAS, 465, 1831

136. DiPompeo M.A., Hickox R.C., Myers A.D. & Geach J.E.
A unifying evolutionary framework for infrared-selected obscured and unobscured quasar host haloes
2017, MNRAS, 464, 3526
Grant Acknowledgments: NASA ADAP grant NNX12AE38G, NSF grants 1211112 and 1515404

135. Paris I., Petitjean P., Ross N.P., Myers A.D., Aubourg E., Streblyanska A., Bailey S., Armengaud E., Palanque-Delabrouille N., Yèche C., Hamann F., Strauss M., et al.
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey quasar catalog: twelfth data release
2017, A&A, 597, 79
Grant Acknowledgments: NASA ADAP grant NNX12AE38G, NSF grants 1211112 and 1515404

134. Jensen T.W., Vivek M., Dawson K.S., et al.
Spectral Evolution in High Redshift Quasars from the Final Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey Sample
2016, ApJ, 833, 199

133. Hutchinson T.A., Bolton A.S., Dawson K.S., Allende Prieto C., Bailey S., Bautista J.E., Brownstein J.R., Conroy C., Guy J., Myers A.D., et al.
Redshift Measurement and Spectral Classification for eBOSS Galaxies with the Redmonster Software
2016, AJ, 152, 205

132. Findlay J.R., Kobulnicky H.A., Weger J.S., Bucher G.A., Perry M.C., Myers A.D., Pierce M.J. & Vogel C.
A Wide-Field Camera and Fully Remote Operations at the Wyoming Infrared Observatory
2016, PASP, 128, 115003

131. Laurent P., Le Goff J.-M., Burtin E., Hamilton J.-C., Hogg D.W., Myers A.D., Ntelis P., Paris I., Rich J., Aubourg E., et al.
A 14 h-3 Gpc3 study of cosmic homogeneity using BOSS DR12 quasar sample
2016, JCAP, 11, 060

130. Ruan J.J., Anderson S.F., Green P.J., Morganson E., Eracleous M., Myers A.D. & the SDSS-III/IV collaborations
The Time-Domain Spectroscopic Survey: Understanding the Optically Variable Sky with SEQUELS in SDSS-III
2016, ApJ, 825, 137

129. Timlin J.D., Ross N.P., Richards G.T., Lacy M., Ryan E.L., Stone R.B., et al.
SpIES: The Spitzer IRAC Equatorial Survey
2016, ApJS, 225, 1

128. DiPompeo M.A., Runnoe J.C., Hickox R.C., Myers A.D. & Geach J.E.
The Impact of the Dusty Torus on Obscured Quasar Halo Mass Measurements
2016, MNRAS, 460, 175
Grant Acknowledgments: NASA ADAP grant NNX12AE38G, NSF grants 1211112 and 1515404

127. Prakash A., Licquia T.C., Newman J.A., Ross A.J., Myers A.D., Dawson K.S., Kneib J-P., Percival W.J., Bautista J.E., Comparat J. & the SDSS-IV/eBOSS collaboration
The SDSS-IV extended Baryonic Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: Luminous Red Galaxy Target Selection
2016, ApJS, 224, 34

126. Harris D.W., Jensen T.W., Suzuki N., Bautista J.E., Dawson K.S., Vivek M., et al.
The Composite Spectrum of BOSS Quasars Selected for Studies of the Lyman-alpha Forest
2016, AJ, 151, 155

125. Burrows A.C., DiPompeo M.A., Myers A.D., Hickox R.C., Borowczak M., French D.A. & Schwortz A.C.
Authentic Science Experiences: Pre-Collegiate Science Educators' Successes and Challenges During Professional Development
2016, PEC, 70, 59
Grant Acknowledgments: NSF grants 1211112 and 1515404

124. Croft R.A.C., Miralda-Escude J., Zheng Z., Bolton A., Dawson K.S., Peterson J.B., York D.G., Eisenstein D., et al.
Large-scale clustering of Lyman-alpha emission intensity from SDSS/BOSS
2016, MNRAS, 457, 3541

123. Zhao G-B., Wang Y., Ross A.J., Shandera S., Percival W.J., Dawson K.S., Kneib J-P., Myers A.D., Brownstein J.R., Comparat J. & the SDSS-IV/eBOSS collaboration
The extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (eBOSS): a cosmological forecast
2016, MNRAS, 457, 2377

122. McGreer I., Eftekharzadeh S., Myers A.D., & Fan X.
A Constraint on Quasar Clustering at z=5 from a Binary Quasar
2016, AJ, 151, 61
Grant Acknowledgments: NASA ADAP grant NNX12AE38G, NSF grants 1211112 and 1515404

121. Palanque-Delabrouille N., Magneville Ch., Yèche Ch., Paris I., Petitjean P., Burtin E., Dawson K., McGreer I., Myers A.D., Rossi G., Schlegel D., Schneider D., Streblyanska A. & Tinker J.
The Extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: Variability Selection and Quasar Luminosity Function
2016, A&A, 587, 41

120. Dawson K.S., Kneib J-P., Percival W.J. & the SDSS-IV/eBOSS collaboration
The SDSS-IV extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: Overview and Early Data
2016, AJ, 151, 44

119. DiPompeo M.A., Hickox R.C. & Myers A.D.
Updated measurements of the dark matter halo masses of obscured quasars with improved WISE and Planck data
2016, MNRAS, 456, 924
Grant Acknowledgments: NASA ADAP grant NNX12AE38G, NSF grants 1211112 and 1515404

118. The SDSS-III/BOSS collaboration (Aubourg et al.)
Cosmological implications of baryon acoustic oscillation measurements
2015, Physical Review D, 92, 123516

117. Fu H., Wrobel J.M., Myers A.D., Djorgovski S.G. & Yan L.
Binary Active Galactic Nuclei in Stripe 82: Constraints on Synchronized Black Hole Accretion in Major Mergers
2015, ApJL, 815, 6

116. Myers A.D., Palanque-Delabrouille N., Prakash A., Paris I., Yèche Ch., Dawson K.S., Bovy J., Lang D., Schlegel D.J., Newman J.A., & the SDSS-IV/eBOSS collaboration
The SDSS-IV extended Baryonic Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: Quasar Target Selection
2015, ApJS, 221, 27
Grant Acknowledgments: NASA ADAP grants NNX12AE38G and NNX12AI49G, NSF grant 1211112 and 1515404, The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

115. Surovell T.A., Pelton S.R., Anderson-Sprecher R. & Myers A.D.
Test of Martin's overkill hypothesis using radiocarbon dates on extinct megafauna
2015, PNAS, 113 (4), 886

114. Peters C.M., Richards G.T., Myers A.D., Strauss M.A., Schmidt K.B., Ivezic Z., Ross N.P., MacLeod C.L. & Riegel R.N.
Quasar Classification Using Color and Variability
2015, ApJ, 811, 95
Grant Acknowledgments: NASA ADAP grant NNX12AE38G, NSF grant 1211112, The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

113. Ross N.P., Hamann F., Zakamska N.L., Richards G.T., Villforth C., Strauss M.A., Greene J.E., Alexandroff R., Brandt W.N., Liu G., Myers A.D., Paris I. & Scheider D.P.
Extremely Red Quasars from SDSS, BOSS and WISE: Classification of Optical Spectra
2015, MNRAS, 453, 3932

112. Eftekharzadeh S., Myers A.D., White M., Weinberg D.H., Schneider D.P., Shen Y., Font-Ribera A., Ross N.P., Paris I. & Streblyanska A.
Clustering of intermediate redshift quasars using the final SDSS III-BOSS sample
2015, MNRAS, 453, 2779
Grant Acknowledgments: NASA ADAP grant NNX12AE38G, NASA EPSCoR grant NNX11AM18A, NSF grant 1211112

111. Lundgren B., Kinemuchi K., Zasowski G., Lucatello S., Diamond-Stanic A.M., Tremonti C.A., Myers A.D., Aragon-Salamanca A., Gillespie B., Ho S. & Gallagher J.S.
The SDSS-IV in 2014: A Demographic Snapshot
2015, PASP, 127, 776

110. Chatterjee S., Newman J.A., Jeltema T., Myers A.D. Aird J., Coil A.L., Cooper M., Finoguenov A., Laird E., Montero-Dorta A., et al.
X-ray Surface Brightness Profiles of Active Galactic Nuclei in the Extended Groth Strip: Implications for AGN Feedback
2015, PASP, 127, 716
Grant Acknowledgments: NASA ADAP grant NNX12AE38G, NSF grant 1211112, NASA/SAO Chandra Grant AR0-11018C

109. Richards G.T., Myers A.D., Peters C.M., Krawczyk C.M., Chase G., Ross N.P., Fan X., Jiang L., Lacy M., McGreer I.D., Trump J.R. & Riegel R.N.
Bayesian High-Redshift Quasar Classification from Optical and Mid-IR Photometry
2015, ApJS, 219, 39
Grant Acknowledgments: NASA ADAP grant NNX12AE38G, NSF grant 1211112, The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

108. DiPompeo M.A., Bovy J., Myers A.D. & Lang D.
Quasar Probabilities and Redshifts from WISE mid-IR through GALEX UV Photometry
2015, MNRAS, 452, 3124
Grant Acknowledgments: NASA ADAP grant NNX12AE38G, NASA EPSCoR grant NNX11AM18A, NSF grant 1211112

107. The SDSS-III collaboration (Alam et al.)
The Eleventh and Twelfth Data Releases of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: Final Data from SDSS-III
2015, ApJS, 219, 12

106. Rubin K.H.R., Hennawi J.F., Prochaska J.X., Simcoe R.A., Myers A.D. & Wingyee Lau M.
Dissecting the Gaseous Halos of z~2 Damped Lyα Systems with Close Quasar Pairs
2015, ApJ, 808, 38

105. Morganson E., Green P.J., Anderson S.F., Ruan J.J., Myers A.D., Eracleous M., Kelly B., et al.
The Time Domain Spectroscopic Survey: Variable Object Selection and Anticipated Results
2015, ApJ, 806, 244

104. Chatterjee S., Newman J.A., Jeltema T., Myers A.D., Aird J., Bundy K., Conselice C., Cooper M., Laird E., Nandra K. & Willmer C.
X-ray Emission in Non-AGN Galaxies at z ~ 1
2015, ApJ, 806, 136
Grant Acknowledgments: NASA ADAP grant NNX12AE38G, NSF grant 1211112, NASA/SAO Chandra Grant AR0-11018C

103. Wang L., Viero M., Ross N.P., Asboth V., Bethermin M., Bock J., Clements D., Conley A., Cooray A., Farrah D., et al.
Co-evolution of black hole growth and star formation from a cross-correlation analysis between quasars and the cosmic infrared background
2015, MNRAS, 449, 4476

102. Ho S., Agarwal N., Myers A.D., Lyons R., Disbrow A., Seo H.-J., Ross A.J., Hirata C., Padmanabhan N., O'Connell R., et al.
Sloan Digital Sky Survey III Photometric Quasar Clustering: Probing the Initial Conditions of the Universe
2015, JCAP, 5, 040
Grant Acknowledgments: NASA ADAP grant NNX12AE38G, NSF grant 1211112, The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

101. Newman J.A., Abate A., Abdalla F.B., Allam S., Allen S.W., Ansari R., Bailey S., Barkhouse W.A., Beers T.C., Blanton M., et al.
Spectroscopic needs for imaging dark energy experiments
2015, APh, 63, 81

100. LaMassa S.M., Cales S., Moran E.C., Myers A.D., Richards G.T., Eracleous M., Heckman T.M., Gallo L. & Urry C.M.
The Discovery of the First "Changing Look" Quasar: New Insights into the Physics & Phenomenology of AGN
2015, ApJ, 800, 144
Grant Acknowledgments: NASA ADAP grant NNX12AE38G, NSF grant 1211112, NASA EPSCoR grant NNX11AM18A

99. Delubac T., Bautista J.E., Busca N.G., Rich J., Kirkby D., Bailey S., Font-Ribera A., Slosar A., Lee K.-G., Pieri M.M., Hamilton J.-C., et al.
Baryon Acoustic Oscillations in the Ly-α forest of BOSS DR11 quasars
2015, A&A, 574, 59

98. DiPompeo M.A., Myers A.D., Hickox R.C., Geach J.E., Holder G., Hainline K.N. & Hall S.W.
Weighing obscured and unobscured quasar hosts with the CMB
2015, MNRAS, 446, 3492
Grant Acknowledgments: NASA ADAP grant NNX12AE38G, NASA EPSCoR grant NNX11AM18A, NSF grant 1211112

97. Fu H., Myers A.D., Djorgovski S.G., Yan L., Wrobel J.M. & Stockton A.
Radio-Selected Binary Active Galactic Nuclei from the Very Large Array Stripe 82 Survey
2015, ApJ, 799, 72
Grant Acknowledgments: NASA ADAP grant NNX12AE38G, NASA EPSCoR grant NNX11AM18A, NSF grant 1211112

96. Ruan J.J., Anderson S.F., Plotkin R.M., Brandt W.N., Burnett T.H., Myers A.D. & Schneider D.P.
The Nature of Transition Blazars
2014, ApJ, 797, 19

95. Hainline K.N., Hickox R.C., Carroll C.M., Myers A.D., DiPompeo M.A. & Trouille L.
A Spectroscopic Survey of WISE-selected Obscured Quasars with the Southern African Large Telescope
2014, ApJ, 795, 124
Grant Acknowledgments: NASA ADAP grant NNX12AE38G, NSF grant 1211112

94. Rochais T., DiPompeo M.A., Myers A.D., Brotherton M.S, Runnoe J.C. & Hall S.W.
Radio-Loud and Radio-Quiet BAL Quasars: A Detailed Ultraviolet Comparison
2014, MNRAS, 444, 2498
Grant Acknowledgments: NASA ADAP grant NNX12AE38G, NASA EPSCoR grant NNX11AM18A, NSF grant 1211112

93. Filiz Ak N., Brandt W.N., Hall P.B., Schneider D.P., Trump J.R., Anderson S.F., Hamann F., Myers A.D., Paris I., Petitjean P., Ross N.P., Shen Y. & York D.
The Dependence of C IV Broad Absorption Line Properties on Accompanying Si IV and Al III Absorption: Relating Quasar-Wind Ionization Levels, Kinematics, and Column Densities
2014, ApJ, 791, 88

92. DiPompeo M.A., Myers A.D., Hickox R.C., Geach J.E. & Hainline K.N.
The Angular Clustering of Infrared-Selected Obscured and Unobscured Quasars
2014, MNRAS, 442, 3443
Grant Acknowledgments: NASA ADAP grant NNX12AE38G, NASA EPSCoR grant NNX11AM18A, NSF grant 1211112

91. Jiang L., Fan X., Bian F., McGreer I.D., Strauss M.A., Annis J., Buck Z., Green R., Hodge J.A., Myers A.D., Rafiee A. & Richards G.
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Stripe 82 Imaging Data: Depth-Optimized Co-adds Over 300 Deg2 in Five Filters
2014, ApJS, 213, 12

90. Greene J.E., Alexandroff R., Strauss M.A., Zakamska N.L., Lang D., Liu G., Pattarakijwanich P., Hamann F., Ross N.P., Myers A.D., et al.
Near Infrared Spectra and Intrinsic Luminosities of Candidate Type II Quasars at 2 < z < 3.4
2014, ApJ, 788, 91

89. Font-Ribera A., Kirkby D., Busca N., Miralda-Escude J., Ross N.P., Slosar A., Rich J., et al.
Quasar-Lyman α Forest Cross-Correlation from BOSS DR11 : Baryon Acoustic Oscillations
2014, JCAP, 5, 27

88. DiPompeo M.A., Myers A.D., Brotherton M.S., Runnoe J.C. & Green R.F.
The Intrinsic Quasar Luminosity Function: Accounting for Accretion Disk Anisotropy
2014, ApJ, 787, 73
Grant Acknowledgments: NASA ADAP grant NNX12AE38G, NASA EPSCoR grant NNX11AM18A, NSF grant 1211112

87. Hainline K.N., Hickox R.C., Greene J.E., Myers A.D., Zakamska N.L., Liu G. & Liu X.
Gemini Long-slit Observations of Luminous Obscured Quasars: Further Evidence for an Upper Limit on the Size of the Narrow-Line Region
2014, ApJ, 787, 65
Grant Acknowledgments: NASA ADAP grant NNX12AE38G, NSF grant 1211112

86. Agarwal N., Ho S., Myers A.D., Seo H.-J., Ross A.J., Bahcall N., Brinkmann J., Eisenstein D.J., Muna D., Palanque-Delabrouille N., et al.
Characterizing unknown systematics in large scale structure surveys
2014, JCAP, 4, 7

85. The SDSS-III collaboration (Ahn et al.)
The Tenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: First Spectroscopic Data from the SDSS-III Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment
2014, ApJS, 211, 17

84. Paris I., Petitjean P., Aubourg E., Ross N.P., Myers A.D., Streblyanska A., Bailey S., Hall, P.B., Strauss M.A., et al.
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey quasar catalog: tenth data release
2014, A&A, 563, 54
Grant Acknowledgments: NASA ADAP grant NNX12AE38G, NSF grant 1211112, The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

83. Chatterjee S., Nguyen M.L., Myers A.D. & Zheng Z.
A Direct Measurement of the Mean Occupation Function of Quasars: Breaking Degeneracies between Halo Occupation Distribution Models
2013, ApJ, 779, 147
Grant Acknowledgments: NASA ADAP grant NNX12AE38G, NSF grant 1211112, NASA EPSCoR grant NNX11AM18A

82. Palanque-Delabrouille N., Yèche Ch., Borde A., Le Goff J.-M., Rossi G., Viel M., et al.
The one-dimensional Lyα forest power spectrum from BOSS
2013, A&A, 559, A85

81. Shen Y., McBride C.K., White M., Zheng Z., Myers A.D., Guo H., Kirkpatrick J.A., Padmanabhan N., Parejko J.K., Ross N.P., et al.
Cross-Correlation of SDSS DR7 Quasars and DR10 BOSS Galaxies: The Weak Luminosity Dependence of Quasar Clustering at z~0.5
2013, ApJ, 778, 98
Grant Acknowledgments: NASA ADAP grant NNX12AE38G, NSF grant 1211112

80. Alexandroff R., Strauss M.A., Greene J.E., Zakamska N.L., Ross N.P., Brandt W.N., Liu G., Smith P.S., et al.
Candidate Type II Quasars at 2 < z < 4.3 in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey III
2013, MNRAS, 435, 3306

79. Filiz Ak N., Brandt W.N., Hall P.B., Schneider D.P., Anderson S.F., Hamann F., Lundgren B.F., Myers A.D., Paris I., Petitjean P., Ross N.P., Shen Y. & York D.
Broad Absorption Line Variability on Multi-Year Timescales in a Large Quasar Sample
2013, ApJ, 777, 168

78. Geach J.E., Hickox R.C., Bleem L.E., Brodwin M., Holder G.P., et al.
A direct measurement of the linear bias of mid-infrared-selected quasars at z~1 using cosmic microwave background lensing
2013, ApJL, 776, 41
Grant Acknowledgments: NASA ADAP grant NNX12AE38G, NSF grant 1211112

77. Finley H., Petitjean P., Paris I., Noterdaeme P., Brinkmann J., Myers A.D., Ross N.P., Schneider D.P., et al.
A glance at the host galaxy of high-redshift quasars using strong damped Lyman-alpha systems as coronagraphs
2013, A&A, 558, 111

76. Prochaska J.X., Hennawi J.F., Lee K.-G., Cantalupo S., Bovy J., Djorgovski S.G., Ellison S.L., Wingyee L.M., Martin C.L., Myers A., et al.
Quasars Probing Quasars VI. Excess HI Absorption Within One Proper Mpc of z~2 Quasars
2013, ApJ, 776, 136
Grant Acknowledgments: The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

75. Hainline K.N., Hickox R.C., Greene J.E., Myers A.D. & Zakamska N.L.
SALT Long-slit Spectroscopy of Luminous Obscured Quasars: An Upper Limit on the Size of the Narrow-Line Region?
2013, ApJ, 774, 145
Grant Acknowledgments: NASA ADAP grant NNX12AE38G, NSF grant 1211112

74. Richardson J.W., Chatterjee S., Zheng Z., Myers A.D. & Hickox R.C.
The Halo Occupation Distribution of X-ray-Bright Active Galactic Nuclei: A Comparison with Luminous Quasars
2013, ApJ, 774, 143
Grant Acknowledgments: NASA ADAP grant NNX12AE38G, NSF grant 1211112, NASA/SAO Chandra Grant AR0-11018C

73. Hall P.B., Brandt W.N., Petitjean P., Paris I., Ak N.F., Shen Y., Gibson R.R., Aubourg E., Anderson S.F, Schneider D.P., et al.
Broad Absorption Line Quasars with Redshifted Troughs: High-Velocity Infall or Rotationally Dominated Outflows?
2013, MNRAS, 434, 222

72. DiPompeo M.A., Runnoe J.C., Myers A.D. & Boroson T.A.
Does Size Matter? The Underlying Intrinsic Size Distribution of Radio Sources and Implications for Unification by Orientation
2013, ApJ, 774, 24
Grant Acknowledgments: NASA ADAP grant NNX12AE38G, NASA EPSCoR grant NNX11AM18A, NSF grant 1211112

71. Ross N.P., McGreer I.D., White M., Richards G.T., Myers A.D., Palanque-Delabrouille N., Strauss M.A., Anderson S.F., Shen Y., Brandt W.N., et al.
The SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: The Quasar Luminosity Function from Data Release Nine
2013, ApJ, 773, 14

70. Chatterjee R., Nalewajko K. & Myers A.D.
Implications of the Anomalous Outburst in the Blazar PKS 0208-512
2013, ApJL, 771, 25
Grant Acknowledgments: NASA ADAP grant NNX12AE38G, NASA EPSCoR grant NNX11AM18A

69. Font-Ribera A., Arnau E., Miralda-Escude J., Rollinde E., et al.
The Large-scale Quasar-Lyman α Forest Cross-Correlation from BOSS
2013, JCAP, 5, 18

68. McGreer I.D., Jiang L., Fan X., Richards G.T., Strauss M.A., Ross N.P., White M., Shen Y., Schneider D.P., Myers A.D., et al.
The z=5 Quasar Luminosity Function from SDSS Stripe 82
2013, ApJ, 768, 105

67. Vikas S.K., Wood-Vasey W.M., Lundgren B., Ross N.P., Myers A.D., AlSayyad, Y., York D.G., Schneider D.P., Brinkmann J., Bizyaev D., et al.
Moderate CIV Absorber Systems Require 1012M Dark Matter Halos at z ~ 2.3: A Cross-correlation Study of CIV Absorber Systems and Quasars in SDSS-III BOSS DR9
2013, ApJ, 768, 38

66. Slosar A., Irsic V., Kirkby D., Bailey S., Busca N.G., Delubac T., Rich J., et al.
Measurement of Baryon Acoustic Oscillations in the Lyman-alpha Forest Fluctuations in BOSS Data Release 9
2013, JCAP, 4, 26

65. Busca N.G., Delubac T., Rich J., Bailey S., Font-Ribera A., Kirkby D., Le Goff J.-M., Pieri M.M., Slosar A., et al.
Baryon Acoustic Oscillations in the Ly-α forest of BOSS quasars
2013, A&A, 552, 96

64. Kirkby D., Margala D., Slosar A., Bailey S., Busca N.G., Delubac T., Rich J., et al.
Fitting Methods for Baryon Acoustic Oscillations in the Lyman-α Forest Fluctuations in BOSS Data Release 9
2013, JCAP, 3, 24

63. Lee K.-G., Bailey S., Bartsch L.E., Carithers W., Dawson K.S., Kirkby D., Lundgren B., Margala D., Palanque-Delabrouille N., Pieri M.M., et al.
The BOSS Lyman-α Forest Sample from SDSS Data Release 9
2013, AJ, 145, 69

62. Palanque-Delabrouille N., Magneville Ch., Yèche Ch., Eftekharzadeh S., Myers A.D., Petitjean P., Paris I., Ross N.P., Aubourg E., McGreer I., et al.
Luminosity function from dedicated SDSS-III and MMT data of quasars in 0.7 < z < 4.0 selected with a new approach
2013, A&A, 551, 29
Grant Acknowledgments: The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

61. DiPompeo M.A., Runnoe J.C., Brotherton M.S. & Myers A.D.
An Infrared Excess Identified in Radio-Loud Broad Absorption Line Quasars
2013, ApJ, 762, 111
Grant Acknowledgments: NASA ADAP grants NNX12AI49G and NNX12AE38G, NSF grant 1211112

60. Dawson K.S., Schlegel D.J. & the SDSS-III collaboration
The Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey of SDSS-III
2013, AJ, 145, 10

59. Paris I., Petitjean P., Aubourg E., Bailey S., Ross N.P., Myers A.D., Strauss M.A., et al.
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey quasar catalog: ninth data release
2012, A&A, 548, 66
Grant Acknowledgments: The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

58. The SDSS-III collaboration (Ahn et al.)
The Ninth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: First Spectroscopic Data from the SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey
2012, ApJS, 203, 21

57. Bolton A.S., Schlegel D.J. & the SDSS-III/BOSS collaboration
Spectral Classification and Redshift Measurement for the SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey
2012, AJ, 144, 144

56. Noterdaeme P., Petitjean P., Carithers W.C., Paris I., Font-Ribera A., Bailey S., et al.
Column density distribution and cosmological mass density of neutral gas: Sloan Digital Sky Survey-III Data Release 9
2012, A&A, 547, 1

55. Filiz Ak N., Brandt W.N., Hall P.B., Schneider D.P., Anderson S.F., Gibson R.R., Lundgren B.F., Myers A.D., Petitjean P., Ross N.P., et al.
Broad Absorption Line Disappearance on Multi-Year Timescales in a Large Quasar Sample
2012, ApJ, 757, 114

54. Glikman E., Urrutia T., Lacy M., Djorgovski S.G., Mahabal A., Myers A.D., Ross N.P., Petitjean P., Ge J., Schneider D.P. & York D.G.
FIRST-2MASS Red Quasars: Transitional Objects Emerging from the Dust
2012, ApJ, 757, 51
Grant Acknowledgments: NASA ADAP grants NNX12AI49G and NNX12AE38G

53. White M., Myers A.D., Ross N.P., Schlegel D.J., Hennawi J.F., Shen Y., McGreer I., Strauss M.A., Bolton A.S., Bovy J., et al.
The clustering of intermediate redshift quasars as measured by the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey
2012, MNRAS, 424, 933
Grant Acknowledgments: The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

52. Bovy J., Myers A.D., Hennawi J.F., Hogg D.W., McMahon R.G., Schiminovich D., Sheldon E.S., Brinkmann J., Schneider D.P. & Weaver B.A.
Photometric redshifts and quasar probabilities from a single, data-driven generative model
2012, ApJ, 749, 41
Grant Acknowledgments: The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, NASA ADP grant NNX08AJ28G

51. Hickox R.C., Wardlow J.L., Smail I., Myers A.D., Alexander D.M., Swinbank A.M., Danielson A.L.R., Stott J.P., Chapman S.C., et al.
The LABOCA Survey of the Extended Chandra Deep Field South: Clustering of submillimetre galaxies
2012, MNRAS, 421, 284
Grant Acknowledgments: NASA ADP grant NNX08AJ28G

50. Ross N.P., Myers A.D., Sheldon E., Yèche Ch., Strauss M.A., Bovy J., Kirkpatrick J.A., Richards G.T., et al.
The SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: Quasar Target Selection for Data Release Nine
2012, ApJS, 199, 3
Grant Acknowledgments: The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, NASA ADP grant NNX08AJ28G

49. Fu H., Yan L., Myers A.D., Stockton A., Djorgovski S.G., Aldering G. & Rich J.A.
The Nature of Double-Peaked [O III] Active Galactic Nuclei
2012, ApJ, 745, 67
Grant Acknowledgments: The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

48. Kirkpatrick J.A., Schlegel D.J., Ross N.P., Myers A.D., Hennawi J.F., Schneider D.P. & Weaver B.A.
A Simple Likelihood Estimator for Quasar Target Selection
2011, ApJ, 743, 125

47. Green P.J., Myers A.D., Barkhouse W.A., Aldcroft T.L., Trichas M., Richards G.T., Ruiz A. & Hopkins P.F.
A Multiwavelength Study of Binary Quasars and Their Environments
2011, ApJ, 743, 81
Grant Acknowledgments: NASA/SAO Chandra Grant GO9-0114

46. Ross A.J., Ho S., Cuesta A.J., Tojeiro R., Percival W.J., Wake D., Masters K.L., Nichol R.C., Myers A.D., et al.
Ameliorating Systematic Uncertainties in the Angular Clustering of Galaxies: A Study using SDSS-III
2011, MNRAS, 417, 1350

45. Fu H., Zhang Z., Assef R.J., Stockton A., Myers A.D., Yan L., Djorgovski S.G., Wrobel J.M. & Riechers D.A.
A Kiloparsec-Scale Binary Active Galactic Nucleus Confirmed by the Expanded Very Large Array
2011, ApJ, 740, L44
Grant Acknowledgments: The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

44. Slosar A., Font-Ribera A., Pieri M.M., Rich J., Le Goff J-M., Aubourg E., Brinkmann J., Busca N., et al.
The Lyman-alpha forest in three dimensions: measurements of large scale flux correlations from BOSS 1st-year data
2011, JCAP, 9, 1

43. Eisenstein D.J., Weinberg D.H. & the SDSS-III collaboration
SDSS-III: Massive Spectroscopic Surveys of the Distant Universe, the Milky Way Galaxy, and Extra-Solar Planetary Systems
2011, AJ, 142, 72

42. Drake A.J., Djorgovski S.G., Mahabal A., Anderson J., Roy R., Mohan V., Ravindranath S., Frail D., et al.
The Discovery and Nature of Optical Transient CSS100217:102913+404220
2011, ApJ, 735, 106

41. Fu H., Myers A.D., Djorgovski S.G. & Yan L.
Mergers in Double-Peaked [O III] Active Galactic Nuclei
2011, ApJ, 733, 103
Grant Acknowledgments: NASA ADP grant NNX08AJ28G, NASA Chandra Grant GO9-0114

40. Palanque-Delabrouille N., Yèche Ch., Myers A.D., Petitjean P., Ross N.P., Sheldon E., Aubourg E., Delubac T., et al.
Variability selected high-redshift quasars on SDSS Stripe 82
2011, A&A, 530, 122

39. The SDSS-III collaboration (Aihara et al.)
The Eighth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: First Data from SDSS-III
2011, ApJS, 193, 29

38. Hickox R.C., Myers A.D., Brodwin M., Alexander D.M., Forman W.R., Jones C., Murray S.S., Brown, M.J.I., et al.
Clustering of obscured and unobscured quasars in the Bootes field: Placing rapidly growing black holes in the cosmic web
2011, ApJ, 731, 117
Grant Acknowledgments: NASA ADP grant NNX08AJ28G

37. Bovy J., Hennawi J.F., Hogg D.W., Myers A.D., Kirkpatrick J.A., Schlegel D.J., Ross N.P., Sheldon E.S., et al.
Think Outside the Color-Box: Probabilistic Target Selection and the SDSS-XDQSO Quasar Targeting Catalog
2011, ApJ, 729, 141

36. Hogg D.W., Myers A.D., & Bovy J.
Inferring the eccentricity distribution
2010, ApJ, 725, 2166

35. Shen Y., Hennawi J.F., Shankar F., Myers A.D., Strauss M.A., Djorgovski S.G., Fan X., Giocoli C., et al.
Binary Quasars at High Redshift II: Sub-Mpc Clustering at z ~ 3-4
2010, ApJ, 719, 1693

34. Hennawi J.F., Myers A.D., Shen Y., Strauss M.A., Djorgovski S.G., Fan X., Glikman E., Mahabal A., et al.
Binary Quasars at High Redshift I: 24 New Quasar Pairs at z ~ 3-4
2010, ApJ, 719, 1672

33. Green P.J., Myers A.D., Barkhouse W.A., Mulchaey J.S., Bennert V.N., Cox T.J. & Aldcroft T.L.
A Binary Quasar Caught in the Act of Merging
2010, ApJ, 710, 1578
Grant Acknowledgments: NASA/SAO Chandra Grant GO9-0114

32. Croom S.M., Richards G.T., Shanks T., Boyle B.J., Strauss M.A., Myers A.D., Nichol R.C., Pimbblet K.A., et al.
The 2dF-SDSS LRG and QSO Survey: the QSO luminosity function at 0.4<z<2.6
2009, MNRAS, 399, 1755

31. Myers A.D., White M. & Ball N.M.
Incorporating Photometric Redshift Probability Density Information into Real-Space Clustering Measurements
2009, MNRAS, 399, 2279
Grant Acknowledgments: NASA ADP grant NNX08AJ28G

30. Lundgren B.F., Brunner R.J., York D.G., Ross A.J., Quashnock J.M., Myers A.D., Schneider D.P., AlSayyad Y. & Bahcall N.
A Cross-Correlation Analysis of Mg II Absorption Line Systems and Luminous Red Galaxies from the SDSS DR5
2009, ApJ, 698, 819

29. Mountrichas G., Shanks T., Croom S.M., Sawangwit U., Schneider D.P., Myers A.D. & Pimbblet K.
QSO-LRG 2-Point Cross-Correlation Function and Redshift-Space Distortions
2009, MNRAS, 394, 2050

28. Kindratenko V.V., Myers A.D. & Brunner R.J.
Implementation of the two-point angular correlation function on a high-performance reconfigurable computer
2009, Scientific Programming, 17, 3, 247

27. Richards G.T., Deo R.P., Lacy M., Myers A.D., Nichol R.C., Zakamska, N.L., Brunner R.J., Brandt W.N., et al.
Eight-Dimensional Mid-Infrared/Optical Bayesian Quasar Selection
2009, AJ, 137, 3884

26. Richards G.T., Myers A.D., Gray A.G., Riegel R.N., Nichol R.C., Brunner R.J., Szalay A.S,, Schneider D.P. & Anderson S.F.
Efficient Photometric Selection of Quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: II. ~1,000,000 Quasars from Data Release Six
2009, ApJS, 180, 67
Grant Acknowledgments: NASA ADP grant NNX08AJ28G

25. Croom S.M., Richards G.T., & the 2SLAQ collaboration (including Myers A.D.)
The 2dF-SDSS LRG and QSO Survey: The spectroscopic QSO catalogue
2009, MNRAS, 392, 19

24. Green P.J., Aldcroft T.L., Richards G.T., Barkhouse W.A., Constantin A., Haggard D., Karovska M., Kim D.-W., et al.
A Full Year's Chandra Exposure on Sloan Digital Sky Survey Quasars from the Chandra Multiwavelength Project
2009, ApJ, 690, 644

23. Fine S., Croom S.M., Hopkins P.F., Hernquist L., Bland-Hawthorn J., Colless M., Hall P.B., Miller L., Myers A.D., et al.
Constraining the quasar population with the broad-line width distribution
2008, MNRAS, 390, 1413

22. Strand N.E., Brunner R.J. & Myers A.D.
AGN Environments in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey I: Dependence on Type, Luminosity and Redshift
2008, ApJ, 688, 180

21. Ball N.M., Brunner R.J., Myers A.D., Strand N.E., Alberts S.L. & Tcheng D.
Robust Machine Learning Applied to Astronomical Datasets III: Probabilistic Photometric Redshifts for Galaxies and Quasars in the SDSS and GALEX
2008, ApJ, 683, 12

20. Ross A.J., Brunner R.J. & Myers A.D.
Normalization of the Matter Power Spectrum via Higher-Order Angular Correlations of Luminous Red Galaxies
2008, ApJ, 682, 737

19. Giannantonio T., Scranton R., Crittenden R.G., Nichol R.C., Boughn S.P., Myers A.D. & Richards G.T.
Combined analysis of the integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect and cosmological implications
2008, Phys.Rev.D, 77, 123520

18. Myers A.D., Richards G.T., Brunner R.J., Schneider D.P., Strand N.E., Hall P.B., Blomquist J.A. & York D.G.
Quasar Clustering at 25 kpc/h from a Complete Sample of Binaries
2008, ApJ, 678, 635

17. da Ângela J., Shanks T., Croom S.M., Weilbacher P., Brunner R.J., Couch W.J., Miller L., Myers A.D., et al.
The 2dF-SDSS LRG and QSO survey: QSO clustering and the L-z degeneracy
2008, MNRAS, 383, 565

16. Ross A.J., Brunner R.J. & Myers A.D.
Higher-Order Angular Galaxy Correlations in the SDSS: The Redshift and Color Dependence of Nonlinear Bias
2007, ApJ, 665, 67

15. Ball N.M., Brunner R.J., Myers A.D., Strand N.E., Alberts S.L., Tcheng D. & Llorà X.
Robust Machine Learning Applied to Astronomical Datasets II: Quantifying Photometric Redshifts for Quasars Using Instance-Based Learning
2007, ApJ, 663, 774

14. Hopkins P.F., Lidz A., Hernquist L., Coil A.L., Myers A.D., Cox T.J. & Spergel D.N.
The Co-formation of Spheroids and Quasars Traced in their Clustering
2007, ApJ, 662, 110

13. Myers A.D., Brunner R.J., Richards G.T., Nichol R.C., Schneider D.P. & Bahcall N.A.
Clustering Analyses of 300,000 Photometrically Classified Quasars--II. The Excess on Very Small Scales
2007, ApJ, 658, 99

12. Myers A.D., Brunner R.J., Nichol R.C., Richards G.T., Schneider D.P. & Bahcall N.A.
Clustering Analyses of 300,000 Photometrically Classified Quasars--I. Luminosity and Redshift Evolution in Quasar Bias
2007, ApJ, 658, 85

11. Ball N.M., Brunner R.J., Myers A.D. & Tcheng D.
Robust Machine Learning Applied to Astronomical Datasets I: Star-Galaxy Classification of the SDSS DR3 Using Decision Trees
2006, ApJ, 650, 497

10. Giannantonio T., Crittenden R.G., Nichol R.C., Scranton R., Richards G.T., Myers A.D., Brunner R.J., Gray A.G., Connolly A.J. & Schneider D.P.
High redshift detection of the integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect
2006, Phys.Rev.D, 74, 063520

9. Ross A.J., Brunner R.J. & Myers A.D.
Precision Measurements of Higher-Order Angular Galaxy Correlations Using 11 Million SDSS Galaxies
2006, ApJ, 649, 48

8. Myers A.D., Brunner R.J., Richards G.T., Nichol R.C., Schneider D.P., Vanden Berk D.E., Scranton R., Gray A.G. & Brinkmann J.
First Measurement of the Clustering Evolution of Photometrically Classified Quasars
2006, ApJ, 638, 622

7. Scranton R., Ménard B., Richards G.T., Nichol R.C., Myers A.D., Jain B., Gray A., Bartelmann M., Brunner R.J., et al.
Detection of Cosmic Magnification with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
2005, ApJ, 633, 589

6. Guimarães A.C.C., Myers A.D. & Shanks T.
QSO Lensing Magnification Associated with Galaxy Groups
2005, MNRAS, 362, 657

5. Richards G.T., Croom S.M. & the 2SLAQ collaboration (including Myers A.D.)
The 2dF-SDSS LRG and QSO Survey: The z<2.1 Quasar Luminosity Function from 5645 Quasars to g=21.85
2005, MNRAS, 360, 839

4. Myers A.D., Outram P.J., Shanks T., Boyle B.J., Croom S.M., Loaring N.S., Miller L. & Smith R.J.
On Statistical Lensing and the Anti-Correlation Between 2dF QSOs and Foreground Galaxies
2005, MNRAS, 359, 741

3. Myers A.D., Shanks T., Outram P.J., Frith W.J. & Wolfendale A.W.
Evidence for an extended SZ Effect in WMAP Data
2004, MNRAS, 347L, 67

2. Outram P.J., Hoyle F., Shanks T., Croom S.M., Boyle B.J., Miller L., Smith R.J. & Myers A.D.
The 2dF QSO Redshift Survey - XI. The QSO Power Spectrum
2003, MNRAS, 342, 483

1. Myers A.D., Outram P.J., Shanks T., Boyle B.J., Croom S.M., Loaring N.S., Miller L. & Smith R.J.
The 2dF QSO Redshift Survey - X. Lensing of Background QSOs by Galaxy Groups
2003, MNRAS, 342, 467

Conference Proceedings, Research Notes and non-refereed White Papers

141. Ahmed H., Shemmer O., Matthews B., Dix C., Ha T., Richards G., Brotherton M., Myers A., et al.
Gemini Near Infrared Spectrograph - Distant Quasar Survey: Rest-Frame Ultraviolet-Optical Spectral Properties of Broad Absorption Line Quasars
2024, AAS, 243, #104.29

140. Maithil J., Brotherton M., Shemmer O., Du P., Wang J.-M., Luo B., Gallagher S., Chen H., Li Y.-R., Myers A., McLane J., Dix C., Matthews B. & Nemmen R.
Quasars with highly accreting black holes: their X-ray properties and modified prescription of single-epoch mass
2023, HEAD, 55, #100.43

139. Han J.J., Dey A., Price-Whelan A.M., et al.
NANCY: Next-generation All-sky Near-infrared Community surveY
2023, White Paper

138. Pandey A., Napolitano L., Myers A. & the DESI Collaboration
Using Metal-Rich Absorption features for identifying Relative Metal Content across Cosmic Time
2023, AAS, 241, #175.07

137. Shemmer O., Ha T., Dix C., Matthews B., Brotherton M., Myers A., Richards G., Maithil J., et al.
Shedding New Light on Weak Emission-Line Quasars in the C IV-Hβ Parameter Space
2023, AAS, 241, #301.04

136. Pat F., Juneau S., Böhm V., Pucha R., Kim A.G., Bolton A.S., Lepart C., Green D. & Myers A.D.
Reconstructing and Classifying SDSS DR16 Galaxy Spectra with Machine-Learning and Dimensionality Reduction Algorithms
2022, ASP Conference Series, Compendium of Undergraduate Research in Astronomy and Space Science

135. Schlegel D.J., Kollmeier J.A., et al.
The MegaMapper: A Stage-5 Spectroscopic Instrument Concept for the Study of Inflation and Dark Energy
2022, White Paper

134. Schlegel D.J., Ferraro S., et al.
A Spectroscopic Road Map for Cosmic Frontier: DESI, DESI-II, Stage-5
2022, White Paper

133. Maithil J., Brotherton M., Shemmer O., Du P., Wang J.-M., Luo B., Gallagher S., Chen H., Li Y.-R., Myers A., McLane J., Dix C. & Matthews B.
Quasars with highly accreting black holes: their X-ray properties and modified prescription of single-epoch mass
2022, AAS, 240, #316.02

132. Brotherton M., Maithil J., Myers A., Shemmer O., Matthews B., Dix C., Du P. & Wang J.-M.
Quasar black hole masses and accretion rates across cosmic time
2021, IAUS, 359, 57

131. Napolitano L.G., Myers A.D., Lyke B.W., Gontcho A Gontcho S., Lan T., Circosta C. & Prochaska J.
Early Results on the Detection of Mg-II Absorption Systems in DESI Spectra
2021, AAS, 237, #538.03

130. Moustakas J., Lang D., Schlegel D.J., Dey A., Juneau S., Myers A.D., Schlafly E., Valdes F. & the DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys Team
The Siena Galaxy Atlas 2020
2021, AAS, 237, #527.04

129. Lyke B.W., Larkin-Gero P., Higley A.N., McLane J.N., Schurhammer D.P., Myers A.D. & The SDSS-IV/eBOSS Collaboration
Broad Absorption Feature Detection in The Sixteenth SDSS Quasar Catalog (DR16Q)
2021, AAS, 237, #353.02

128. Schlegel D., Dey A., Herrera D., Juneau S., Landriau M., Lang D., Meisner A., Moustakas J., Myers A., Schlafly E., Valdes F., Weaver B., Zhang M., Zhou R. & the DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys Team
DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys Data Release 9
2021, AAS, 237, #235.03

127. Huang X., Storfer C., Gu A., Ravi V., Pilon A., Sheu W., Venguswamy R., Banka S., Dey A., Landriau M., Lang D., Meisner A., Moustakas J., Myers A., Sajith R., Schlafly E. & Schlegel D.
Discovering New Strong Gravitational Lenses in the DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys
2021, AAS, 237, #125.04

126. Allende Prieto C., Cooper A.P., Dey A., Gänsicke B.T., Koposov S.E., Li T., Manser C., Nidever D.L., Rockosi C., Wang M.-Y. & the DESI Collaboration
Preliminary Target Selection for the DESI Milky Way Survey (MWS)
2020, RNAAS, 4, 188

125. Ruiz-Macias O., Zarrouk P., Cole S., Norberg P. & the DESI Collaboration
Preliminary Target Selection for the DESI Bright Galaxy Survey (BGS)
2020, RNAAS, 4, 187

124. Zhou R., Newman J.A., Dawson K.S., Eisenstein D.J. & the DESI Collaboration
Preliminary Target Selection for the DESI Luminous Red Galaxy (LRG) Sample
2020, RNAAS, 4, 181

123. Raichoor A., Eisenstein D.J., Karim T., Newman J.A., Moustakas J. & the DESI Collaboration
Preliminary Target Selection for the DESI Emission Line Galaxy (ELG) Sample
2020, RNAAS, 4, 180

122. Yèche C., Palanque-Delabrouille N., Claveau C.-A. & the DESI Collaboration
Preliminary Target Selection for the DESI Quasar (QSO) Sample
2020, RNAAS, 4, 179

121. Dawson K.S., Percival W., Bautista J., Hou J., de Mattia A., Mueller E., Myers A., Rossi G., Zarrouk P. & Zhao G.
Introduction: the Extended Baryon Spectroscopic Survey
2020, AAS, 235, #413.01

120. Matthews B., et al.
Gemini Near Infrared Spectrograph Distant Quasar Survey: Initial Results
2020, AAS, 235, #381.06

119. Dix C., Shemmer O., Brotherton M., Green R., Mason M. & Myers A.D.
Prescriptions for Correcting Ultraviolet-Based Redshifts for Luminous Quasars at z > 2.15
2020, AAS, 235, #305.29

118. Higley A.N., Lyke B.W., Myers A.D., Schurhammer D.P., McLane J.N., Ross A., Chabanier S., Streblyanska A. & Zarrouk P.
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Quasar Catalog Sixteenth Data Release
2020, AAS, 235, #219.03

117. Kollmeier J., et al.
SDSS-V Pioneering Panoptic Spectroscopy
2019, AAS, 51, 274

116. Schlegel D.J., Kollmeier J.A., et al.
The MegaMapper: a z > 2 spectroscopic instrument for the study of Inflation and Dark Energy
2019, White Paper

115. Pierce M., Dell'antonio I., Myers A. & Birrer S.
Transverse Extragalactic Motions: a New Method for Constraining Cosmological Parameters
2019, AAS, 51, 344

114. Shen Y., et al.
Mapping the Inner Structure of Quasars with Time-Domain Spectroscopy
2019, AAS, 51, 274

113. Bechtol K., Drlica-Wagner A., et al.
Dark Matter Science in the Era of LSST
2019, AAS, 51, 207

112. Ferraro S., Wilson M.J., et al.
Inflation and Dark Energy from spectroscopy at z > 2
2019, White Paper

111. Daniel Meerburg P., Green D., et al.
Primordial Non-Gaussianity
2019, White Paper

110. Higley A.N., Lyke B.W., Schurhammer D.P. & Myers A.D.
Improving Automated Spectral Classifications Through Visual Inspections of Outliers
2019, APS, APR, S1, 24

109. Schlegel D., et al.
Overview of the DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys
2019, AAS, 233, #380.03

108. Matthews B., Shemmer O., Brotherton M.S., et al.
Gemini Near Infrared Spectrograph Distant Quasar Survey: The First Year
2019, AAS, 233, #243.38

107. Gross A., Fu H., Djorgovski S.G., Myers A.D., Pare D., Steffen J.L. & Wrobel J.M.
Chandra X-ray Observations of Radio-Selected Dual AGNs
2019, AAS, 233, #243.26

106. Higley A.N., Lyke B.W., Schurhammer D.P. & Myers A.D.
Luminous eBOSS Quasars Missing from Visually Inspected SDSS Catalogs
2019, AAS, 233, #242.21

105. Sameer, Brandt N., Hall P.B., Anderson S., Vivek M., Filiz Ak N., Grier C., Ahmed N., Luo B., Myers A.D., Rodriguez Hidalgo P., Ruan J. & Schneider D.
Investigations of transforming BAL quasars
2019, AAS, 233, #242.07

104. Kasper D., Cole J.L., Gardner C.N., Garver B.R., Jarka K.L., Kar A., McGough A.M., PeQueen D.J., Rivera D.I., Jang-Condell H., Kobulnicky H., Myers A.D. & Dale D.
Transmission Spectra of Hot Jupiters through Multiple Broadband Filter Observations
2019, AAS, 233, #223.02

103. Lyke B.W., Higley A.N., McLane J., Schurhammer D.P., Myers A.D., Streblyanska A. & du Mas des Bourboux H.
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Quasar Catalog: Sixteenth Data Release
2019, AAS, 233, #162.01

102. Higley A.N., Lyke B.W., Schurhammer D.P. & Myers A.D.
Improving Automated Spectral Classifications Through Visual Inspections of Outliers
2018, APS, 4CF, OCT, G1, 59

101. Myers A.D., DiPompeo M.A., Mitra K., Hickox R.C., Chatterjee S. & Whalen K.
Characterizing the evolution of WISE-selected obscured and unobscured quasars using HOD models
2018, AAS, 232, #322.01

100. Matthews B., Shemmer O., Brotherton M.S., et al.
GNIRS-DQS: A Gemini Near Infrared Spectrograph Distant Quasar Survey
2018, AAS, 232, #318.09

99. Burrows A.C., Myers A.D. & Borowczak M.
Noyce SWARMS Scholars and Two Professional Development Models (LASSI and RAMPED): Summer 2015, 2016, and 2017
2018, AAS, 232, #122.01

98. Timlin J., Ross N., Richards G., Myers A., Bauer F.E., Lacy M., Schneider D., Wollack E. & Zakamska N.
The Clustering of High-Redshift (2.9 < z < 5.4) Quasars in SDSS Stripe 82
2018, AAS, 231, #250.38

97. Findlay J., Myers A. & McGreer I.
A search for changing look quasars in second epoch imaging
2018, AAS, 231, #250.07

96. Myers A.
Remnant Echoes: Mapping the Cosmos via Large Spectroscopic Surveys
2017, APS, 4CF, OCT, L4, 1

95. The SDSS-V Collaboration
SDSS-V: Pioneering Panoptic Spectroscopy
2017, White Paper

94. DiPompeo M.A., Hickox R.C. & Myers A.D.
Obscured Supermassive Black Hole Growth - Connections to Host Galaxies and Evolutionary Models
2017, AAS/HEAD, 16, #106.09

93. Findlay J., Hennawi J.F., Prochaska J.X., Fumagalli M., Myers A.D. & Bartle S.
Quasars Probing Quasars: The quasar pair catalog
2017, AAS, 230, #316.03
Grant Acknowledgments: NSF grant 1515404

92. Eftekharzadeh S., Myers A.D., Djorgovski S.G. & Graham M.J.
A large sample of binary quasars: Does quasar bias track from Mpc scales to kpc scales?
2017, AAS, 229, #430.02
Grant Acknowledgments: NSF grant 1515404

91. Haze Nunez E., Bassett N., Deam S., et al.
New quasar surveys with WIRO: Searching for high redshift (z~6) quasar candidates
2017, AAS, 229, #250.07

90. Witherspoon C., Bassett N., Deam S., et al.
New Quasar Surveys with WIRO: Colors of ~1000 Quasars at 0 < z < 3
2017, AAS, 229, #250.06

89. Lyke B., Bassett N., Deam S., et al.
New Quasar Surveys with WIRO: Data and Calibration for Studies of Variability
2017, AAS, 229, #250.05

88. Bassett N., Deam S., Dixon D., et al.
New Quasar Surveys With WIRO: Planning and Depth of Observations
2017, AAS, 229, #250.04

87. Griffith E., Bassett N., Deam S., et al.
New quasar surveys with WIRO: The light curves of quasars over ~15 year timescales
2017, AAS, 229, #250.03

86. Deam S., Bassett N., Dixon D., et al.
New quasar surveys with WIRO: UV variability of known quasars behind M33
2017, AAS, 229, #250.02

85. Harvey W.B., Bassett N., Deam S., et al.
New quasar surveys with WIRO: Color-selection of quasar candidates behind M33
2017, AAS, 229, #250.01

84. The DESI Collaboration
The DESI Experiment Part II: Instrument Design
2016, White Paper

83. The DESI Collaboration
The DESI Experiment Part I: Science,Targeting, and Survey Design
2016, White Paper

82. Silva D.R., Blum R.D., Allen L., Dey A., Schlegel D.J., Lang D., Moustakas J., Meisner A.M., Valdes F., Patej A., Myers A.D., et al.
The Mayall z-band Legacy Survey
2016, AAS, 228, #317.02

81. Blum R.D., Burleigh K., Dey A., Schlegel D.J., Meisner A.M., Levi M., Myers A.D., Lang D., Moustakas J., Patej A., Valdes F., et al.
The DECam Legacy Survey
2016, AAS, 228, #317.01

80. Eftekharzadeh S., Myers A.D., Djorgovski S.G., Graham M.J., Hennawi J.F., Mahabal A.A. & Richards G.T.
Clustering on very small scales from a large, complete sample of confirmed quasar pairs
2016, AAS, 228, #315.03

79. Singh V., Brotherton M.S., DiPompeo M.A. & Myers A.D.
A VLA Survey of "Polar?" BAL QSOs
2016, AAS, 228, #314.09

78. Myers A.D., DiPompeo M.A., Hickox R.C. & Runnoe J.C.
In the Dusty Recesses: Characterizing the Dark Matter Halos of Obscured Quasars via Clustering and CMB Lensing
2016, AAS, 228, #314.05
Grant Acknowledgments: NSF grants 1211112 and 1515404

77. Eftekharzadeh S., Myers A.D., Kourkchi E., DiPompeo M.A., White M., Weinberg D.H., Font-Ribera A., Ge J., Paris I., Ross N.P., Schneider D.P., Shen Y. & Streblyanska A.
Quasar clustering at intermediate redshift - Analysis of systematics and of luminosity effects
2016, AAS, 227, #443.01
Grant Acknowledgments: NSF grant 1211112

76. Mason M., Brotherton M.S. & Myers A.D.
Evaluating and Improving Redshift Determinations in High-z Quasars
2016, AAS, 227, #438.06

75. Timlin J., Ross N., Richards G.T., Lacy M., Bauer F.E., Brandt W.N., Fan X., Haggard D., Makler M., Myers A.D., Schneider D.P., Strauss M.A., Urry C.M., Zakamska N.L., et al.
SpIES: The Spitzer IRAC Equatorial Survey
2016, AAS, 227, #349.05

74. Diamond-Stanic A., Lucatello S., Aragon-Salamanca A. Cherinka B., Cunha K.M.L., Gillespie B.A., Hagen A., Jones A., Kinemuchi K., Lundgren B., Myers A.D., Roman A., Zasowski G., et al.
The SDSS-IV in 2015: Report of the Committee on the Participation of Women in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
2016, AAS, 227, #349.03

73. Ross N., Richards G., Timlin J., Myers A., McGreer I. & Outram P.
Quasar Selections and Surveys: An Optical and new mid-IR perspective
2015, Demographics and Environment of AGN from Multi-Wavelength Surveys, 90

72. Burrows A., Myers A., DiPompeo M., Borowczak M., Schwortz A., French D., Hall S. & Peterson, F.
Partnerships: A Systemic Study of Two Professional Developments
2015, National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) Area Conference in conjunction with the Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE), Reno, NV
Grant Acknowledgments: NSF grant 1211112

71. Hainline K., Hickox R.C., Carroll C.M., Myers A.D., DiPompeo M.A. & Trouille L.
Obscured Quasars: Finding and Understanding the Most Luminous Active Supermassive Black Holes with SALT
2015, SALT conference, 28

70. French D., Burrows A.C. & Myers A.D.
Launching Astronomy: Standards and STEM Integration (LASSI)
2015, AAS, 225, #436.04

69. Myers A.D., Diamond-Stanic A., Gallagher J.S., Gillespie B.A., Ho S., Kinemuchi K., Lucatello S., Lundgren B., Tremonti C.A., Zasowski G., et al.
Report of the Committee on the Participation of Women in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
2015, AAS, 225, #336.54

68. Timlin J., Ross N., Richards G.T., Lacy M., Bauer F.E., Brandt W.N., Fan X., Haggard D., Makler M., Myers A.D., et al.
SpIES:The Spitzer IRAC Equatorial Survey
2015, AAS, 225, #336.18

67. Schlegel D.J., Blum R.D., Castander F.J., Dey A., Finkbeiner D.P., Foucaud S., Honscheid K., James D., Lang D., Levi M., et al.
The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI): The NOAO DECam Legacy Imaging Survey and DESI Target Selection
2015, AAS, 225, #336.07

66. Schwortz A.C., Burrows A.C. & Myers A.D.
Learning to Work with Databases in Astronomy: Quantitative Analysis of Science Educators' and Students' Pre-/Post-Tests
2015, AAS, 225, #245.05

65. Hickox R.C., Carroll C.M., Hainline K.N., Chen C-T.J., Myers A.D. & DiPompeo M.A.
Spectral energy distributions and photometric redshifts for WISE-selected obscured quasars
2015, AAS, 225, #204.05
Grant Acknowledgments: NASA ADAP grant NNX12AE38G, NSF grant 1211112

64. LaMassa S.M., Cales S., Moran E.C., Myers A.D., Richards G.T., Eracleous M., Heckman T.M., Gallo L.C. & Urry C.M.
Discovery of the First Changing-Look Quasar
2015, AAS, 225, #204.01

63. Peters C.M., Richards G.T., Myers A.D. & Ross N.
Quasar Selection using Optical Photometry and Variability
2015, AAS, 225, #144.43

62. Richards G.T., Myers A.D. & Peters C.M.
Quasar Selection in the Optical + MIR
2015, AAS, 225, #144.38

61. Schwortz A.C., Eftekharzadeh S., Myers A.D. & Shen Y.
Quasar Clustering from SDSS DR7: Dependencies on FIRST Radio Magnitudes
2015, AAS, 225, #144.15

60. Myers A.D., Armengaud E., Bovy J., Brandt W.N., Burtin E., Comparat J., Dawson K.S., Delubac T., Ho S., Kneib J-P., Lang D., et al.
Using Quasars from SDSS-III/SEQUELS to Characterize SDSS-IV/eBOSS selection
2014, AAS, 224, #410.07
Grant Acknowledgments: NASA ADAP grant NNX12AE38G, NSF grant 1211112

59. Hainline K., Hickox R.C., Carroll C.M., Myers A.D., Trouille L. & DiPompeo M.A.
Searching for Obscured Quasars with WISE and the Southern African Large Telescope
2014, AAS, 224, #410.01

58. Nguyen M.L., Chatterjee S., Myers A.D., Zheng Z., Rozo E. & Rykoff E.
Breaking Degeneracies between Quasar Halo Occupation Distribution Models: Extending Direct Measurements of the Mean Occupation Distribution to Redshift 0.6
2014, AAS, 224, #221.05
Grant Acknowledgments: NASA ADAP grant NNX12AE38G, NSF grant 1211112

57. Rochais T., DiPompeo M.A., Myers A.D. & Brotherton M.S,
Radio-Loud and Radio-Quiet BAL Quasars Differ Only in Their Radio Properties
2014, AAS, 224, #221.04

56. Eftekharzadeh S., Myers A.D., White M., Bovy J., Fan X., Le-Goff J-M., Laurent P., McBride C., Miralda-Escude J., Palanque-Delabrouille N., et al.
The Clustering of Quasars at Redshift 2.5 from the Final SDSS-III/BOSS Sample
2014, AAS, 224, #221.01

55. Nguyen M.L., Chatterjee S., Myers A.D., Zheng Z., Rozo E. & Rykoff E.
Breaking Degeneracies between Quasar Halo Occupation Distribution Models : Extending Direct Measurements to Redshift 0.6
2014, APS, APR, L1, 58
Grant Acknowledgments: NASA ADAP grant NNX12AE38G, NSF grant 1211112

54. Ho S., Aubourg E., Bailey S.J., Bautista J., Beutler F., Bizyaev D., Blomqvist M., Bolton A.S., Brewington H., Brinkmann J.V., et al.
Baryon Acoustic Oscillations in Lyman Alpha Forest - Quasar Cross-Correlations
2014, AAS, 223, #457.10

53. Schlegel D.J., Delubac T., Busca N.G., Rich J., Bailey S.J., Bautista J., Front A., Kirkby D., Le Goff J., Pieri M., Slosar A., et al.
Measurements of D_A and H at z=2.4 from the SDSS-III/DR11 BOSS Lyman-alpha sample
2014, AAS, 223, #456.05

52. Bhattacharjee A., Chatterjee S., Myers A.D., Brotherton M.S., Newman J., Aird J., Cooper M., Jeltema T.E., Nandra K., Yan R., Willmar C., Montero-Dorta A. & Laird E.
Diffuse X-Ray Emission in Active and Normal Galaxies in the Extended Groth Strip
2014, AAS, 223, #251.28
Grant Acknowledgments: NASA ADAP grant NNX12AE38G, NSF grant 1211112

51. Hickox R.C., Hainline K. & Myers A.D.
A spectroscopic survey of WISE-selected obscured quasars with SALT
2014, AAS, 223, #150.38
Grant Acknowledgments: NASA ADAP grant NNX12AE38G, NSF grant 1211112

50. Hainline K., Hickox R.C., Greene J.E., Myers A.D., Zakamska N.L. & Liu G.
The NLR Size - IR Luminosity Relationship: An Upper Limit on the Size of the Narrow-Line Region?
2014, AAS, 223, #126.04

49. Nguyen M.L., Chatterjee S., Myers A.D. & Zheng Z.
A Direct Measurement of the Mean Occupation Function of Quasars: Breaking Degeneracies Between Halo Occupation Distribution Models
2013, APS, 4CF, SEP, D2, 4
Grant Acknowledgments: NASA ADAP grant NNX12AE38G, NSF grant 1211112, NASA EPSCoR grant NNX11AM18A

48. Nguyen M.L., Chatterjee S. & Myers A.D.
A Direct Measurement of the Mean Occupation Function of Quasars: Breaking Degeneracy of Halo Occupation Distribution Models
2013, APS, APR, K2, 36
Grant Acknowledgments: NASA ADAP grant NNX12AE38G, NSF grant 1211112, NASA/SAO Chandra Grant AR0-11018C

47. Chatterjee S., Richardson J., Zheng Z., Myers A. & Hickox R.
The Halo Occupation Distribution of X-ray-Bright Active Galactic Nuclei: A Comparison with Luminous Quasars
2013, APS, APR, K2, 35

46. Harris D., Dawson K.S. & Myers A.D.
Quasar Composite Spectra With BOSS
2013, AAS, 222, #215.05

45. Bovy J., Hennawi J.F., Hogg D.W., Myers A.D., Kirkpatrick J.A., Schlegel D.J., Ross N.P., Sheldon E.S., McGreer I.D., Schneider D.P. & Weaver B.A.
XDQSO: Photometic quasar probabilities and redshifts
2013, Astrophysics Source Code Library, 2016

44. Nguyen M.L., Chatterjee S. & Myers A.D.
A Direct Measurement of the Quasar Mean Occupation Function
2013, AAS, 221, #430.06
Grant Acknowledgments: NSF grant 1211112

43. DiPompeo M.A., Brotherton M.S, & Myers A.D.
An IR Excess Identified in Radio-Loud BAL Quasars
2013, AAS, 221, #430.04
Grant Acknowledgments: NASA ADAP grants NNX12AI49G and NNX12AE38G, NSF grant 1211112

42. Ross N., Hamann F.W., Alexandroff R., Brandt W.N., Strauss M.A., Dey A., Richards G.T., Worseck G., Zakamska N.L., Eisenstein D., et al.
A "WISE BOSS": Finding The Cosmic Monsters in the Mid-Infrared Lochs
2013, AAS, 221, #418.08

41. Lundgren B., AlSayyad Y., Ge J., Hamann F.W., Ménard B., Miralda J., Myers A.D., Paris I., Rafols I. Perez i., Petitjean P., et al.
The Clustering and Evolution of Mg II and C IV Absorption Systems in the BOSS Quasar Spectra
2013, AAS, 221, #402.05

40. Borde A., Yèche C., Palanque-Delabrouille N., Croft R.A., Font A., LeGoff J., McDonald P., Miralda J., Myers A.D., Petitjean P., et al.
Measurement of the 1D Lyman-alpha Power Spectrum with the DR9 BOSS Quasar Data
2013, AAS, 221, #402.02

39. Shen Y., McBride C., White M., Zheng Z., Myers A.D., Kirkpatrick J., Padmanabhan N., Ross N., Parejko J.K., Swanson M., et al.
Cross Correlation of SDSS DR7 Quasars and DR10 BOSS Galaxies: The Weak Luminosity Dependence of Quasar Clustering at 0.5
2013, AAS, 221, #307.06

38. Hickox R.C., Myers A.D., Greene J.E., Zakamska N.L., Hainline K. & DiPompeo M.A.
Colors and Composite SEDs of Type 1 and Type 2 Quasars with SDSS, WISE, and GALEX
2013, AAS, 221, #133.08
Grant Acknowledgments: NASA ADAP grant NNX12AE38G, NSF grant 1211112

37. Pilachowski C., et al.
Addressing Decadal Survey Science through Community Access to Highly Multiplexed Spectroscopy with BigBOSS on the KPNO Mayall Telescope
2012, White Paper

36. Hall P.B., Brandt W.N., Petitjean P., Ak N.F., Paris I., Aubourg E., Anderson S.F., Schneider D.P., Bizyaev D., Brinkmann J., Myers A.D., et al.
BAL Quasars with Redshifted Troughs
2012, AGN Winds in Charleston, 460, 78

35. DiPompeo M.A., Brotherton M.S., De Breuck C., Laurent-Muehleisen S. & Myers A.D.
The First Direct Measure of BAL Quasar Orientations
2012, AAS, 219, #435.02

34. Lundgren B., York D.G., AlSayyad Y., Myers A., Petitjean P., Pieri M., Ross N., Vikas S. & Wood-Vasey W.M.
New Results from a Census of Metal Absorption Lines in the BOSS DR9 Quasar Spectra
2012, AAS, 219, #342.03

33. Myers A.D., Palanque-Delabrouille N., Schlegel D.J., Yèche C., Aubourg E., Bailey S., Dey A., Eftekharzadeh S., Fan X., Magneville C., et al.
The BigBOSS QSO Pilot Survey
2012, AAS, 219, #335.12
Grant Acknowledgments: The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

32. Myers A.D., Aubourg E., Bailey S., Bovy J., Fan X., Ho S., Jiang L., Miralda-Escude J., Palanque-Delabrouille N., Petitjean P., et al.
Clustering Near the Epoch of Peak Quasar Activity with SDSS-III/BOSS
2012, AAS, 219, #324.04

31. Croft R.A., Arnau E., Aubourg E., Bailey S., Bechtold J., Bhardwaj V., Bolton A., Borde A., Brinkmann J., Busca N., et al.
Dense Sampling and Large Volume: The Structure of the Intergalactic Medium from 50,000 SDSS3 BOSS Quasar Absorption Spectra
2012, AAS, 219, #324.03

30. Ross A.J., Percival W.J., Berlind A.A., Blanton M., Bolton A., Brinkmann J., da Costa L.A., Crittenden R., Cuesta A.J., Eisenstein D., et al.
The 3D Clustering of BOSS DR9 Galaxies
2012, AAS, 219, #324.02

29. Ho S., Cuesta A., Ross A., Seo H., DePutter R., Padmanabhan N., White M., Myers A., Bovy J., Blanton M., et al.
Cosmology with Large Scale Structure
2012, AAS, 219, #324.01

28. Vikas S.K., Wood-Vasey W.M., Lundgren B., Myers A., Ross N.P., York D. & AlSayyad, Y.
CIV Absorbers Clustering At z ~ 2.4
2012, AAS, 219, #304.04

27. MacLeod C., Butler N., Anderson S.F., Gibson R., Ross N.P., Ivezic Z., Kimball A., Brandt N., Strauss M., Kochanek C. S. & Myers A.
No Quasar Left Behind
2012, AAS, 219, #243.28

26. Richards G.T., Mehta S.S., Peters C.M., Myers A.D. & Ross N.P.
Multi-dimensional Quasar Selection from Optical, Near-IR, and Astrometric Data
2012, AAS, 219, #243.02

25. McGreer I.D., Jiang L., Fan X., Ross N.P., Eskew M.R., Myers A.D. & Schneider D.P.
The z ~ 5 Quasar Luminosity Function From SDSS Stripe 82
2012, AAS, 219, #209.07

24. Ross N.P., McGreer I.D., White M., Myers A.D., Richards G.T., Strauss M.A., Anderson S.F., Bailey S., Fan X., Palanque-Delabrouille N., et al.
The SDSS-III BOSS DR9 Quasar Luminosity Function
2012, AAS, 219, #209.06

23. Hickox R.C., Wardlow, J.L., Myers A.D. & Smail I.
Clustering and dark matter halo masses of 870-um selected SMGs
2011, Galaxy Formation: An International Conference, id.P112, 112P

22. Green P.J., Myers A.D., Barkhouse W.A., Trichas M., Aldcroft T.L., Ruiz A., Hopkins P. & Richards G.T.
Binary Quasars Observed by Chandra
2011, AAS, 218, #228.33

21. Mehta S.S., Richards G.T. & Myers A.D.
Optical+Near-IR Bayesian Classification of Quasars
2011, AAS, 218, #327.09

20. Djorgovski S.G., Fu H., Myers A.D., Yan L. & Stockton A.
Discovery of a Population of Close Binary AGN: Observing the Hierarchical Assembly of Supermassive Black Holes
2011, AAS, 217, #310.07

19. Green P.J., Myers A.D., Barkhouse W.A., Mulchaey J.S., Bennert V.N., Cox T.J., Aldcroft T.L. & Wrobel J.M.
A Unique Merging Pair among Luminous Binary Quasars: SDSS J1254+0846
2011, AAS, 217, #310.04

18. Myers A.D., Bovy J., Ho S., Martin V., Hogg D.W., Hennawi J.F., Slosar A., White M., et al.
The Angular Power-Spectrum of SDSS Quasars Photometrically Classified through Extreme Deconvolution
2011, AAS, 217, #222.06

17. Bovy J., Hennawi J.F., Hogg D.W., Myers A.D. & Ross N.P.
The SDSS-XDQSO quasar targeting catalog
2011, AAS, 217, #222.05

16. Hickox R.C., Myers A.D. & the Boötes Survey Collaboration
Black Holes and Starbursts in the Cosmic Web: Clustering and Evolution of Quasars and Submillimeter Galaxies
2011, AAS, 217, #106.05

15. Ross N., Sheldon E.S., Myers A.D., Yèche C., Richards G.T., McMahon R.G., Hennawi J.F., Lee K., et al.
The SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS): Quasar Target Selection and Initial Results from the Commissioning Run
2010, AAS, 42, #471.04

14. Ball N.M., Myers A.D., White M., Hickox R.C. & Brunner R.J.
Breaking The Quasar L-z Degeneracy Using PDF-weighted Quasar-galaxy Cross-correlations In Deep, Wide NASA Fields
2010, AAS, 42, #409.05

13. Ball N.M., Brunner R.J. & Myers A.D.
Robust Machine Learning Applied to Terascale Astronomical Datasets
2008, ASPC, 394, 201

12. Richards G.T., Myers A., Brunner R., Strand N., Nichol R., Gray A., Riegel R., Lacy M., & Szalay A.
Photometric Quasars: The One Million Mark and 9-D SDSS+Spitzer Selection
2007, AAS, 211, #142.02

11. Kindratenko V.V., Brunner R.J. & Myers A.D.
Mitrion-C Application Development on SGI Altix 350/RC100
in ``Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual IEEE Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines'' - FCCM'07 (2007)

10. Kindratenko V.V., Brunner R.J. & Myers A.D.
Dynamic load-balancing on multi-FPGA systems: a case study
in "Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Reconfigurable Systems Summer Institute" - RSSI07 (2007)

9. Brunner R.J., Kindratenko V.V. & Myers A.D.
Developing and Deploying Advanced Algorithms to Novel Supercomputing Hardware
in ``Proceedings of the NASA Science Technology conference'' - NSTC'07 (2007)

8. Richards G.T., Brunner R.J., Gray A., Lacy M., Myers A., Nichol R. & Riegel R.
Bayesian Quasar Classification in the Optical/Mid-IR
2006, AAS, 209, #149.04

7. Ross A.J., Brunner R.J. & Myers A.D.
Precision Measurements of Higher-Order Angular Galaxy Correlations Using 10 Million SDSS Galaxies
2006, AAS, 208, #13.01

6. Ball N.M., Brunner R.J., Myers A.D. & Tcheng D.
Robust Classification of 143 Million SDSS Objects Via Decision Tree Learning
2006, AAS, 208, #12.01

5. Croom S., Boyle B., Shanks T., Outram P., Myers A., Smith R., Miller L., Lopes A., Loaring N. & Hoyle F.
Cosmology From the 2dF QSO Redshift Survey
in "Maps of the Cosmos, Proceedings of IAU Symposium No. 216", eds. M. Colless, L. Staveley-Smith & R. Stathakis.
2005, IAUS, 216, 95

4. Richards G., for the 2SLAQ collaboration (including Myers A.D.)
The SDSS-DR3 and 2dF-SDSS Quasar Luminosity Functions
2004, AAS, 205, #167.03

3. Croom S., Boyle B., Shanks T., Outram P., Myers A., Smith R., Miller L., Lopes A., Loaring N. & Hoyle F.
The 2dF QSO Redshift Survey
in "Multiwavelength AGN Surveys; proceedings of the Guillermo Halo Conference", eds. R. Mújica & R. Maiolino. ISBN 981-256-049-1. (2004)

2. Outram P.J., Shanks T., Boyle B.J., Croom S.M., Hoyle F., Loaring N.S., Miller L., Myers A.D. & Smith R.J.
The 2dF QSO Redshift Survey
in "Multiwavelength Cosmology", eds. M. Plionis. Part of the Astrophysics and Space Science Library book series (ASSL, volume 301, 2004)

1. Myers A.D., Shanks T., Outram P.J. & The 2dF QSO Redshift Team.
Statistical Lensing in the 2QZ
in "A New Era in Cosmology" (ASP Conference Proceedings), eds. T. Shanks & N. Metcalfe (2002)

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