To understand how the manner in which quasars vary (the light curve, or magnitude-as-a-function-of-MJD) can be statistically characterized, read these papers:
Conduct observations of fields in the Stripe 82 file that Adam created. As a group, keep a version of that file noting which fields have been completed
Obtain raw imaging of the fields at WIRO
Reduce imaging
Joe is writing code to extract the point sources from our fields. Apply Joe's code to get magnitudes for each source (at each MJD) for each of our fields
Use astropy.coordinates to match the quasars to the list of sources in each field
Similarly, obtain a list of sources that should not vary by matching sources in our fields to the SDSS Stripe 82 Standard Star catalog. We'll use these standard star sources as a calibration/check that nothing is amiss (as they should not vary by more that a few hundredths of a magnitude)
Use SQL (preferably from within Python as in Day 2 of Adam's Python Workshop) to obtain the magnitude of each known quasar (and each standard star) in each of our fields as a function of MJD
Calculate the structure function using the entire time series. Section 3 of this paper has a simple definition of the structure function