NOTE: These results have been surplanted by updated values using more recent WISE and Planck data. You can find the masks and data used for the newer measurements here.

Here you will find the MANGLE polygons used to mask WISE Allsky catalog data in
DiPompeo et al. (2014)
DiPompeo et al. (2015).

See the papers for full details, and please cite them if you use these products.

The masks are in .ply format, and can be read into IDL using read_mangle_polygons.pro in IDLUTILS.

Regions with moon_lev > 1: high_moon.ply

Regions with high extinction (A_g > 0.18): high_extinct.ply

Regions identified with highly clustered flagged objects (cc_flags NE 0 in W1 or W2, ext_flag NE 0, or n_b GT 2): extended_flagged.ply

Small regions around remaining objects with cc_flag NE 0, which appear to be roughly randomly distributed on the sky, but are not: individual_ccflagged.ply

The full mask containing all four of the above polygon lists, pixelized to a simple, resolution 6 scheme (scheme='6s') to speed up use: wise_mask_pix.ply

In addition, we apply two masks from the SDSS, since we use SDSS photometry to split our sample between obscured and unobscured quasars. For more on the SDSS masks, see White et al. (2011) and White et al. (2012), as well as the SDSS-III Data Model.

Bad SDSS fields: badfield_mask_unphot-ugriz_pix.ply

SDSS bright stars: bright_star_mask_pix.ply