Here you will find the data and MANGLE polygons used to mask WISE Allwise data in DiPompeo et al. (2016). See the paper for full details, and please cite it if you use these products.

The data masks are in .ply format, and can be read into IDL using in IDLUTILS. Note that these masks cover the whole sky, though only a sub-region was analyzed in the paper.

The mask generated with Allwise data, in Galactic coordinates and pixelized with a '6s' scheme: wise_mask_allwise_pix.ply

The mask generated with the Allsky data, in Galactic coordinates and pixelized with a '6s' scheme: wise_mask_allsky_pix.ply
Note that applying both of the above masks gives the samples marked with '*' in the paper.

The full-sky bright star mask, in equatorial coordinates. We generate this ourselves, using the same prescriptions as the SDSS bright star mask, but covering the whole sky. Pixelated with a '6s' scheme: bright_stars_all_pix.ply

The SDSS bad field mask, pixelized with a '9s' scheme: badfield_mask_unphot-ugriz_pix.ply.ply

Here are fits files containing the obscured and unobscured sample used for the adopted bias and halo mass measurements in the paper (sources selected by both Allsky and Allwise catalog data), with SDSS and Allwise fluxes: obscured_wise_agn.fits

IDL code to make the measurements and generate models in the paper can be found on M. DiPompeo's GitHub page.

Angular auto/cross correlations
CMB Lensing Cross-correlations
Halo Masses
Most of the above codes rely on CAMB to generate model matter power spectra, and are built to use our IDL wrapper: CAMB4IDL