- Mike Brotherton
- Professor of Astronomy, University of Wyoming
- Author of Star Dragon and Spider Star
- In 1933, Fritz Zwicky checked out the Coma Cluster. The galaxies were flying around too
fast (as measured by the Doppler effect) for their visible mass to keep
them together, so he proposed dark matter was present.
- A few decades later, Vera Rubin started to notice FLAT rotation curves
in spiral galaxies.
- Following Rieke, images from Bennett and Pryke
- “WIMP” = Weakly interactive massive particle
- Neutrinos?
- Seem to have mass, but too small.
- Axions?
- From Wikipedia, “The axion is a hypothetical elementary particle
postulated by Peccei-Quinn theory in 1977 to resolve the strong-CP
problem in quantum chromodynamics (QCD).”
- As yet, not detected (axions are predicted to change to and from photons
in the presence of strong magnetic fields, and this property is used
for creating experiments to detect axions)
- “MaCHO” = Massive Compact Halo Object
- Just trying to explain flat rotation curves with things like black
holes, brown dwarfs, etc.
- These are “Baryonic,” made from conventional stuff on the periodic
table (like people, planets, etc.)
- Can be probed via gravitational microlensing
- Astronomers have argued that dark matter can explain the strange motions
of galaxies in clusters and stars in galaxies, but that it can’t be
normal stuff
- Could we just have gotten gravity wrong on large scales?
- “MoND” = Modified Newtonian Dynamics
- Viable alternative, until 2006…
- Need to look more into the phenomenon of gravitational lensing on
larger scales
- Given what we know about gravitational lensing (tracing the total mass
in blue), hot X-ray gas in (the dominant baryonic mass, red), we can
show that dark matter exists in at least one system:
- Lensing of background galaxies seen in the optical images lets the mass
distribution be mapped.
- The X-rays trace the hot gas, the dominant source of baryons in this
cluster merger.
- They don’t line up! Why? Dark Matter seems to not interact with
itself the way diffuse gas does during a cluster collision.
- That Zwicky Bastard was right!
- Dark Matter does indeed seem to be real, thank you Bullet Cluster.
- The majority of matter, dark or otherwise, is “non-baryonic” exotic
stuff, and we don’t know for sure what it is. It’s likely flying through this room
right this instant in huge amounts.
- WIMPs, not MaCHOs.