Astr 1050     Wed. Mar. 10, 2004
   Today: Review HW if necessary
End Ch. 11: Neutron Stars, Black Holes
         Review topics if time

Black Holes -- basics
Nothing can stop collapse after neutron pressure fails
Escape velocity from a surface at radius R:
As R shrinks (but M is fixed), Vescape gets larger and larger
At some point VEscape= c  (speed of light)
Happens at Schwarzschild radius:
Not even light can escape from within this radius

The Schwarzschild Radius:
Mass in solar masses Rs (km)
0.000003 (Earth)

The Schwarzschild Radius:
Mass in solar masses Rs (km)
10 30
3 9
2 6
1 3
0.000003 (Earth) 0.9 cm

Black Holes -- details
Remember – gravity is same as before, away from mass
Black holes do NOT necessarily pull all nearby material in
A planet orbiting a new black hole would just keep on orbiting as before (assuming the ejected material or radiated energy didn’t have an effect)
Any mass can potentially be made into a black hole – if you can compress it to a size smaller than RS = 2GM/c2
1 MSun: 3.0 km        106 MSun 3´106 km         1 MEarth 8.9 mm

Black Holes -- details
If you do make material fall into a black hole, material will be falling at close to the speed of light when it reaches RS
If that falling gas collides with and heats other gas before it reaches RS, then light from that hot material (outside RS) can escape (important in quasars!).

Black Holes – detection
By definition – can’t see light from black hole itself
Can see large amounts of energy released by falling material just before it crosses RS
Can see motion of nearby objects caused by gravity of black hole

Black Holes – detection
Example: Like White Dwarf accretion disk but w/ black hole instead
Gas from red giant companion spills over towards black hole
Gas spirals in toward black hole, through accretion disk
Gas will be much hotter because it falls further, to very small RS
Gas will be moving at very high velocity
Much faster than with white dwarf since much closer  (P2 µ a3)
Signature of black hole:  Very high energy release, very high velocity
We find MASSIVE black holes in centers of most galaxies

Cygnus X-1

More Cool Stuff About Black Holes
Time Dilation – originally “Frozen Stars”
Gravitational Redshift
Wicked Tidal Forces
Hawking Radiation

Review Chapters 5-11
Chapter 5: Just a few topics
Telescope resolution
Function of size, wavelength
Observations at different wavelengths

Review Chapters 5-11
Chapter 6: Starlight and Atoms
Model Atom, parts, energy levels
Emission and Absorption Lines
Blackbody Radiation
Wien’s Law, Steffan-Boltzmann Law
Spectra of Stars
Balmer thermometer, spectral types (OBAFGKM)
Doppler Effect

Review Chapters 5-11
Chapter 7: The Sun
Atmospheric Structure
Temperature, density, etc., with radius
Sunspots/Magnetic Phenomena
What are they?  Why do they exist?
Nuclear Fusion – proton-proton chain
What is it?  How does it produce energy?
Solar Neutrino “Problem”
What is it?  Is it still a problem?

Review Chapters 5-11
Chapter 7: The Sun – example question
Q. The fusion process in the sun, the "proton-proton" chain, requires high temperatures because:
c of the ground-state energy of the Hydrogen atom.
c of the presence of Helium atoms.
c the colliding protons need high energy to overcome the Coulomb barrier.
c of the need for low density.
c the neutrinos carry more energy away than the reaction produces.

Review Chapters 5-11
Chapter 8: The Properties of Stars
Distances to Stars
Parallax and Parsecs
Spectroscopic Parallax
Intrinsic Brightness: Luminosity
Absolute Magnitude
Luminosity, Radius, and Temperature
Hertzsprung-Russell (H-R) Diagram
Luminosity Classes (e.g., Main Sequence, giant)
Masses of Stars
Binary Stars and Kepler’s Law
Mass-Luminosity Relationship

Review Chapters 5-11
Chapter 8: Properties of Stars—example question
Q. A star’s luminosity depends only on the star’s:
c distance and diameter.
c temperature and distance.
c distance.
c temperature and diameter.
c apparent magnitude
Another version of the question can be made for apparent magnitude .

Review Chapters 5-11
Ch. 9: The Formation & Structure of Stars
Interstellar Medium
Types of Nebulae (emission, reflection, dark)
Interstellar Reddening from dust
Star formation
Protostar Evolution on H-R Diagram
Fusion (CNO cycle, etc.)
Pressure-Temperature “Thermostat”
Stellar Structure (hydrostatic equilibrium, etc.)
Convection, radiation, and opacity
Stellar Lifetimes

Review Chapters 5-11
Ch. 10: The Deaths of Stars
Evolution off the main sequence (=> giant)
Star Cluster Evolution on H-R Diagram
Degenerate Matter
Planetary Nebulae and White Dwarfs
Binary Star Evolution (Disks, Novae, etc.)
Massive Star Evolution and Supernovae

Review Chapters 5-11
Ch. 10: The Deaths of Stars—example question
Q. Massive stars cannot generate energy through iron fusion because:
c iron fusion requires very high densities.
c stars contain very little iron.
c no star can get high enough for iron fusion.
c iron is the most tightly bound of all nuclei.
c massive stars go supernova before they create an iron core.

Chapter 11: Neutron Stars & Black Holes
Neutron Stars
Pulsars (Radio pulsation, lighthouse model)
Properties (size, density, composition)
Black holes
Schwarzschild Radius
Detection (Gravity, X-rays from Disks)