A is 5th magnitude, Star B is 0th magnitude, how much brighter is B than A?
•5 – 0
= 2.5 log (IB/IA)
= 2 = log (IB/IA)
•(IB/IA) = 102 = 100
star is 1.5 magnitudes brighter than another star.
What is the equivalent intensity ratio?
•Δm = 1.5 = 2.5log
= 0.6 = log (IB/IA)
•100.6 = IB/IA = 3.98
one star is 50 times fainter than another star.
Does it have a larger or smaller magnitude? What is the magnitude difference?
•Δm = 2.5xlog (IB/IA =
50) = 4.2