Chapter 18: Worlds of the Outer Solar System
Ice+Rock Core H+He “Atmosphere”
Jupiter has multiple cloud decks as air rises in low pressure “zones”
Magnetic fields and trapped particles
Jupiter as a miniature solar system
Io, Europa break rules about activity
Tidal heating explains activity
Saturn as seen by the Hubble Space Telescope
Rings are individual particles all orbiting separately
The Roche Limit
When can tides tear a moon apart?
Chapter 19: Meteorites, Asteroids, Comets
Phobos & Deimos: Two “misplaced” asteroids?
Large Meteor over the Tetons (1972)
Comets: Hale-Bopp in April 1997
Hale-Bopp clearly shows components
Where do comets come
Long period comets: The Oort Cloud