(P) and density (r) must increase with depth
of overlying gas compresses lower material -- “Hydrostatic
(T) must increase with depth
is flowing out of the sun – and it flows from hot to cold -- so hot
modeling of details let us calculate T(r), r(r), P(r)
observations of “oscillations” or “solar
sun oscillates like a bell (or the air in an organ pipe)
frequency depends upon sound speed, and that depends upon T(r), r(r), P(r)
from the “Global Oscillation Network Group (GONG) telescopes.
interpreting the spectrum using Kirchoff’s laws
general the spectrum of the Sun looks like continuous emission
must come from a solid – or a very dense gas
–We see
many dark absorption lines in the solar spectrum
must come from cooler gas between us and the hot dense gas