This page contains a link to a tarball of the BOSSQSOMASK product. See the Appendix of

Eftekharzadeh et al. (2015)

and Section 2.1 of

White et al. (2012)

for full details. Please cite these papers if you use BOSSQSOMASK in your own work.

BOSSQSOMASK can be obtained as a tarball here:


unpack the tarball and consult the accompanying README file for more details, i.e.:

prompt> tar -zxvf bossqsomask.tar.gz
prompt> cd bossqsomask/trunk
prompt> more README

Note that although BOSSQSOMASK itself is freely available, it contains code that is licensed as described in the aforementioned README file. If you intend to pass on parts of the BOSSQSOMASK code in a different form, please consult these licensing agreements first.

Changes since publication:
    (1) Oct 27 2016: In, I changed the poly_weight to always be a double.  This had
    caused a ~0.35% difference between the areal coverage of the data and the randoms (h/t Deepthi Gorthi, Berkeley)

      create_struct('bosspoly',0,'poly_weight',0d,'poly_area',0.), $

    instead of 

      create_struct('bosspoly',0,'poly_weight',0.,'poly_area',0.), $